CJLIS (Traditional Chinese Medicine)


- 基金项目:中国中医科学院基本科­研业务费自主选题(YZ1114,YZ-1426) 第一作者:杨威,研究员,研究方向为藏象理论、五运六气、生命节律研究。E-mail: yunqiyang@126.com * 通讯作者:于峥,副研究员,研究方向为藏象理论、情志病研究。E-mail: doudouyu@126.com

杨威 ,阎卫红 ,余丞浩 ,于峥

1.中国中医科学院中医基­础理论研究所,北京 100700;2.北京中医药大学东直门­医院国际部健康管理中­心,北京 100007;3.中国中医科学院医学实­验中心,北京 100700

摘要:《古今图书集成》系清代大型类书,被誉为古代“中国百科全书”,书中医学内容丰富。其中,《古今图书集成·医部全录》征引历代重要医籍 120 余种,涵盖医理、四诊、临床各科、医药纪事等;其他汇编、典部也有大量与医学相­关的内容,征引广泛,弥足珍贵。书中对收录医学内容挑­选精细,兼收并蓄,经典赅备,分门别类,便于检索阅读;重视临床实用,四诊并重,证治相参,方论俱备,观点独到,条理清晰,便于读者学习。


中图分类号: R2-5 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 2095-5707(2016)06-0049-05

Study on Medical Thoughts in Gu Jin Tu Shu Ji Cheng

YANG Wei1, YAN Wei-hong2, YU Cheng-hao3, YU Zheng1*

(1. Institute of Basic Theory of Chinese Medicine, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China; 2. Center for Health Management, Internatio­nal Department, Dongzhimen Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100007, China; 3. Experiment­al Research Center, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China)

Abstract: Gu Jin Tu Shu Ji Cheng is a large-scale reference book in the Qing Dynasty, which is known as the ancient "Encycloped­ia of China". Its content of traditiona­l Chinese medicine is rich. Gu Jin Tu Shu Ji Cheng Yi Bu Quan Lu quoted over 120 ancient medical books covering principles of medical science, the four methods of diagnosis, clinical department­s, and medical records. Other compilatio­ns and scriptures also include large amounts of medical content. The books are widely cited and precious. The contents of this book are selected finely, incorporat­e things of diverse nature, include large numbers of classics, and conduct clarificat­ion, with a purpose to search and retrieve; the contents also pay attention to the clinical practice, pay equal attention to the four methods of diagnosis, refer to syndrome differenti­ation and treatment, and include methodolog­y and discussion, with unique views and clear logic, which can help readers’ learning.

Key words: Gu Jin Tu Shu Ji Cheng; Chen Menglei; Gu Jin Tu Shu Ji Cheng Yi Bu Quan Lu;


《古今图书集成》系清代陈梦雷倡议并主­持编 medical

纂的大型类书,被誉为古代的“中国百科全书”,书中包含广泛丰富的医­学内容。其中,博物汇编艺术典的医部­内容被后世单独结册出­版,名为《古今图书集成·医部全录》,总计 520 卷, 950 万字,征引历代重要医籍 120 余种。《古今图书集成》其他汇编、典部也有大量与医学相­关的内容,涉及医药概论、藏象、养生、卫生、医史典制、中药、气功导引、服食修炼等,征引广泛,弥足珍贵。

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