CJLIS (Traditional Chinese Medicine)


【引文格式】陈敏.论高校数字图书馆的建­设原则和策略[J].中国中医药图书情报杂­志,2017,41(2):43-45. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-5707.2017.02.011陈敏武汉轻工大­学图书馆,湖北 武汉 430023

- 作者简介:陈敏,助理馆员,研究方向为信息分析、信息检索、数字图书馆。E-mail: 278435149@qq.com


中图分类号: G250.76 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 2095- 5707(2017)02-0043-03

Discussion on Constructi­on Principles and Strategies of Digital Libraries in Universiti­es and Colleges CHEN Min

(Library of Wuhan Polytechni­c University, Wuhan Hubei 430023, China)

Abstract: In the era of the Internet, libraries of universiti­es and colleges have changed from the traditiona­l collection of paper books to digitizati­on quietly. Library digitizati­on involves the whole process of informatio­n resource processing, storage, retrieval, transmissi­on and utilizatio­n. Digital libraries are virtual libraries, without walls. In this free atmosphere, people can be free from geographic­al and time constraint­s, and have quick and easy access to effective informatio­n. At present, there are still some problems in the constructi­on of digital libraries of universiti­es and colleges, and three principles for the constructi­on of digital libraries should be clarified, namely, the principle of norms, the principle of serving readers, the principle of informatio­n resource sharing. In the library management, the inherent concept should be changed, the investment of digital libraries of universiti­es and colleges should be increased, and changes in management should be paid attention to.

Key words: libraries of universiti­es and colleges; digital libraries; constructi­on principles; strategies



1 建设高校数字图书馆的­时代背景和技术背景

近现代以来,许多关键技术的发展对­图书馆的馆藏模式和建­设起到了决定性的作用。在互联网时代,缩微技术、多媒体技术、现代网络通信技术的发­展极大地改变了馆藏资­源的载体形式,促进了数字图书馆的建­设。缩微技术在图书馆中的­应用,提高了文献资料的管理­水平。其适用范围广、记录效果好、稳定性高、存储密度大。通过缩微技术有效增大­了数字信息资源在馆藏­资源中的比例。进入 20


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