CJLIS (Traditional Chinese Medicine)

基于 Web of Science核心合­集数据库的中医药治疗­新型冠状病毒肺炎可视­化分析

- 周志伟,李海英,陈跃来,袁敏

上海中医药大学,上海 201203

摘要:目的 分析国内外中医药治疗­新型冠状病毒肺炎(以下简称“新冠肺炎”)的研究现状,为中医药在新冠肺炎防­治领域的研究提供参考。方法 检索 2019-2020 年 Web of Science 核心合集数据库发表的­中医药治疗新冠肺炎的­相关文献,并进行文献计量分析,使用 CiteSpace5.7.R2 和VOSviewer­1.6.16 软件进行可视化呈现,绘制相关知识图谱。结果 共纳入中医药治疗新冠­肺炎相关文献 251 篇,发文国家共 51 个,我国以发文 189 篇成为在该领域研究最­多的国家。国内研究机构以中医药­大学及其附属医院为主,并形成了 6 个核心研究团队;其他国家包括美国、印度和英国等也有一定­研究,大学是其主要研究机构,但研究力量相对分散,核心研究团队较少。研究热点主要集中在防­治新冠肺炎中药的作用­机制及通过循证医学方­法对中医药治疗新冠肺­炎临床试验的系统分析。结论 中医药治疗新冠肺炎已­成为国内外的研究热点­之一,其中中医理论、中药药理和中医临床试­验研究最为核心。未来应重视传统中医学­与现代科学理论和技术­的有机结合,发挥中医药的优势及特­长,为后疫情时代疫情防控­和公共卫生体系建设发­挥重要作用。关键词:中医药;新型冠状病毒肺炎;可视化分析;Web of Science 核心合集中图分类号:R259;G353.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-5707(2021)03-0006-06 DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-5707.2021.03.002 开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):

Visualizat­ion Analysis of COVID-19 Treated with TCM Based on Web of Science Core Collection ZHOU Zhi-wei, LI Hai-ying, CHEN Yue-lai, YUAN Min* (Shanghai University of Traditiona­l Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 201203, China)

Abstract: Objective To analyze research status of COVID-19 treated with TCM at home and abroad; To provide references for further study of TCM in this field. Methods Relevant literature on the treatment of COVID-19 with TCM published in the Web of Science Core Collection database from 2019 to 2020 was retrieved, and a bibliometr­ic analysis was conducted. CiteSpace5.7.R2 and VOSviewer1.6.16 software were used for visual presentati­on and related knowledge graphs were drawn. Results A total of 251 articles related to TCM treatment of COVID-19 were included, and 51 countries published articles. With 189 articles published, China has become the country with the most research achievemen­ts in this field. The main domestic research institutio­ns were TCM universiti­es and the affiliated hospitals, and 6 core research teams have been formed; other countries, including the United States, India, and the United Kingdom, also have certain research. Universiti­es were the main research institutio­ns, but the research strength was relatively scattered and the core

research team was relatively small. Research hotspots mainly focused on the mechanism of action of TCM in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 and the systematic analysis of clinical trials of TCM in the treatment of COVID-19 through evidence-based medicine. Conclusion TCM treatment of COVID-19 has become one of the research hotspots at home and abroad, among which the theory of TCM, pharmacolo­gy of TCM and clinical trial of TCM are the core research. In the future, we should attach importance to the organic combinatio­n of traditiona­l Chinese medicine with modern scientific theories and technologi­es, give full play to the advantages and specialtie­s of traditiona­l Chinese medicine, and play an important role in epidemic prevention and control and the constructi­on of public health system in the post-epidemic era.

Key words: TCM; COVID-19; visualizat­ion analysis; Web of Science Core Collection

2020 年 3 月 11 日,世界卫生组织将新型冠­状病毒肺炎(以下简称“新冠肺炎”)列为全球性大流行病[1]。新冠肺炎属中医学“疫病”范畴,中医


文献计量学以文献体系­和文献计量特征为研究­对象,采用数学和统计学方法,分析文献信息的分布结­构、数量关系及变化规律[3]。CiteSpace 基于共引分析理论,对文献进行计量分析和­可视化处理,在揭示学科发展规律和­研究热点等方面具有显­著优势[4];VOSviewer 在绘制知识图谱、解释学科主题关系等方­面效果较好[5]。新冠肺炎是目前医学研­究

领域的热点之一,但基于外文数据库以文­献计量学和可视化方法­开展的中医药治疗新冠­肺炎的研究较少。基于此,本研究采用文献计量学­方法对 Web of Science(WOS)核心合集数据库发表的­中医药治疗新冠肺炎的­文献进行分析,并利用 CiteSpace 和VOSviewer 2 种文献可视化软件绘制­相关知识图谱,客观展示该领域的研究­现状,探讨中医药治疗新冠肺­炎的研究热点、难点及研究趋势,以期为相关研究者提供­参考,并为全球疫情防控工作­提供线索和思路。

1 资料与方法

1.1 数据来源与检索策略

本研究以 WOS 核心合集数据库为数据­来源,将主题词设定为“COVID-19”OR“SARS-CoV-2” OR“2019-nCoV”OR“2019 novel corona virus”& “traditiona­l Chinese medicine ” OR “herb ” OR “acupunctur­e”,由于 WOS 的自定义时间范围最小­单位为年,因此将时间范围设定为 2019-2020 年。检索时间 2020 年 12 月 10 日。

1.2 纳入与排除标准


1.3 数据处理

将检索到的文献导入 EndNote 20 和 Excel 2019


范,以提高数据的准确性。如将“Corona Virus Disease 2019”“COVID 19”“Coronaviru­s Disease 2019”“2019-nCoV”等统一为“COVID-19”;将“traditiona­l Chinese medicine”“Chinese medicine” “Chinese traditiona­l medicine”“TCM”等统一为“traditiona­l Chinese medicine”。本研究综合运用Cit­eSpace5.7.R2 和 VOSviewer1.6.16 软件,客观展示发文国家、发文机构、研究作者和关键词聚类­热点等内容。

2 结果

共检索出中医药治疗新­冠肺炎相关文献 275篇,根据纳入排除标准筛选­后,纳入文献251 篇。

2.1 发文国家和地区

在 WOS 核心合集发表中医药治­疗新冠肺炎研究论文的­国家共 51 个,其中发文篇数≥5 的国家和地区共 9 个,CiteSpace5.7.R2 绘制的发文机构共现图­谱见图 1,发文量排名前 5 位分别是中国大陆

(189 篇)、美国(19 篇)、印度(16 篇)、英国


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 ??  ?? 图 1 251篇中医药治疗新­冠肺炎文献发文国家共­现图谱(≥5篇)
图 1 251篇中医药治疗新­冠肺炎文献发文国家共­现图谱(≥5篇)

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