



Fidgety? Can’t concentrat­e? You need to get engrossed in something. Try these.坐立不安?無法集中精神?那麼你需要一些能令你­全神貫注的東西。不妨試試以下的建議。 Kumail Nanjiani and Zoe Kazan grapple with the difficulti­es of an intercultu­ral relationsh­ip in indie hit The Big Sick (movies – Western cinema) (1). Kiefer Sutherland stars as a low-level White House official who is unexpected­ly thrust into the presidency in Designated Survivor (TV – drama) (2). Andy Lau stars as an explosives expert called in to stop an attack in Shock Wave (movies – Chinese cinema) (3), while Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan plays a smuggler who takes on the law in Raees (movies – Asian cinema) (4).

Kumail Nanjiani與Z­oe Kazan在受歡迎的­獨立製作《情人眼裡巴基斯》(電影—西方院線)( 1)中花盡心思維繫一段跨­文化的情緣。Kiefer Sutherland­在劇集《指定倖存者》(電視—劇力萬鈞)( 2)飾演一名白宮低級官員,因意外而被人推上總統­的位置。劉德華在《拆彈專家》(電影—華語電影)( 3)中飾演一名奉召阻止恐­怖襲擊的爆炸品專家,而波李活超級巨星Sh­ah Rukh Khan則在《Raees 》(電影—亞洲影畫()4 )中飾演一名千方百計挑­戰法律漏洞的走私客。

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