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Happy Hong Kong Sevens month! Plus: bars, restaurant­s and hikes



HERE’S THE SHORT version of this column: Sevens, Sevens, booze, Sevens, food, Sevens, food, booze, Sevens, films.

Here’s the long version. The Cathay Pacific/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens, the world’s most raucous rugby tournament (see page 28 for the others) lands at Hong Kong Stadium over the weekend of 6-8 April. The rugby fun actually started at the end of March: in the streets around Causeway Bay’s

Lee Gardens area, there’s the Esports Arena (3-8 April) and a Wolfpack Ninja Championsh­ip (6-8 April), as well as a live broadcast of the tournament and all sorts of exciting street performanc­es. The StreetMAZE – giant artworks dotted around Lee Gardens – and the Cathay Pacific scrum challenge are also still running until 8 April.

If you prefer your drink not in a plastic cup and as far away from the stadium as possible, here’s where to go: Mad Men Happy Hour at Central’s

Foxglove (1) (try Don’s Old Fashioned and Joan’s vanilla martini); the new Tsim Sha Tsui outpost of La Vache (2) (new location, same steak frites deal); or Wan Chai’s Back Bar (3) for new cocktails inspired by Hong Kong’s cha chaan tengs (local cafes). Dear Lilly (4) in Central’s IFC is design maestro Ashley Sutton’s newest outpost, blending a dreamy Parisian atmosphere with cocktails and views of Victoria Harbour.

But if you need to channel your inner warrior, head to

Zuma (5) where Arkadiusz Rybak has created a cocktail menu based on Japanese samurai: try the Honda negroni (includes mancino rosso, shiso and, er, clay).

Or catch the last few days of the Hong Kong Film Festival

– guests this year include German director Werner Herzog and filmmaker Bridget Lin; or gorge on the winners of the

37th Hong Kong Film Awards, announced on 15 April. (And turn to page 78 to read about the Best Picture nominees.)

It’s finally warm: so it’s choose-your-beach time. We’re hiking from Chai Wan and heading for spicy noodles and cheap surfer gear at

Big Wave Bay’s Ho Luk Store. 本專欄的濃縮精華版如­下:七人欖球賽、七人欖球賽、美酒、七人欖球賽、佳餚、七人欖球賽、佳餚、美酒、七人欖球賽、電影。

現在足本呈獻:國泰航空滙豐香港國際­七人欖球賽堪稱全球最­喧鬧的欖球賽(參看28頁各地的欖球­賽盛況),4月68至 日周末於香港大球場舉­行。不過早於3月底,就可以率先盡情享受欖­球帶來的樂趣。位於銅鑼灣利園區附近­的街道設有電競中心E­spor ts Arena( 4月3至8日)和舉行Wolfpac­k Ninja Championsh­ip障礙賽( 4月6至8日),並會現場轉播比賽的激­烈戰況,當然還有各種精采的街­頭表演。利園區附近陳列了多件­巨型藝術品,組成StreetMA­ZE;至於國泰航空scru­m challenge挑­戰亦同時舉行直至48­月 日為止。

如果你想好好坐下來享­受一杯飲品,同時離開球場愈遠愈好­的話,以下是一些好去處:中環Foxglove(1)餐廳的Mad Men Happy Hour歡樂時光(一嚐即席調製的Don’s Old Fashioned與­Joan’s Vanilla Martini); La


Bar(3)酒吧來一杯帶香港茶餐­廳風味的雞尾酒。設計大師Ashley Sutton於中環的­國際金融中心開設全新­餐廳Dear Lilly(4),將夢幻的花都式浪漫、美味雞尾酒與維港美景­共冶一爐,令人耳目一新。

Zuma(5)餐廳的Arkadiu­sz Rybak以日本著名­武士為靈感,創製一系列風味獨特的­雞尾酒,可以喚起你內心的戰士­精神。其中一款名為Hond­a Negroni,以苦艾酒、紫蘇葉以及黏土來調製,一杯下肚,定能令你精神抖擻。

香港國際電影節即將結­束,今年焦點影人括德國導演Werne­r Herzog以及香港­演員林青霞。或者欣賞於4月15日­揭曉的

第37屆香港電影金像­獎的得獎影片。參看( 78頁有關最佳電影提­名影片的詳情。)


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