


This is a pub named after the novelist Eckhard Henscheid, who was part of the satirical movement called the New Frankfurt School in the 1970s and ’80s. Henscheid has a large collection of satirical cartoons on the walls and serves probably the largest selection of schnapps in town. I love the pig roast with vanilla, chanterell­es and French horn mushrooms. If you want somewhere tourists don’t go, this is the place.

這家酒吧以小說家Ec­khard Henscheid命­他名, 是1970至1980­年「代新法蘭克福學派」諷刺文學運動的成員。酒吧牆上掛著一列刺系 諷漫畫,應供的schnapp­s烈酒種類琳瑯滿目,堪稱市內之最。我最喜愛其香草烤豬方­配雞油菇和杏。鮑菇 這裡亦是開客避 遊 人潮的勝地。

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