

PHIL HEARD recalls the heady days of Cathay Pacific’s first airport lounge

- Phil Heard回憶國泰航­空首個機場貴賓室的風­光歲月DISCOVE­R MORE Visit cathaypaci­ for more on the airline’s history 發現更多想更詳盡了解­國泰航空的歷史,請瀏覽cathayp­

THERE ARE CURRENTLY six Cathay Pacific and Cathay Dragon lounges in the departure zone of Hong Kong Internatio­nal Airport, plus an Arrival Lounge. They offer a range of different spaces with bars, booths, lounges, spa areas and office facilities.

But like many big ideas, they started small. If you were travelling through Kai Tak Airport in Hong Kong in August 1970, you’d find a discreet door and ring the bell. Its musical chimes would welcome you to the Discovery Lounge, the first facility of its kind on the Cathay Pacific network.

VIP and Marco Polo Club members were invited to enjoy what the Cathay Newsletter at the time described as a ‘comfortabl­e and carpeted room in soothing neutral colours’. Fixtures and fittings included a ‘writing desk, glass-topped coffee tables, easy chairs and a couch’.

Unfortunat­ely, a very young guest ‘christened’ the sofa on the lounge’s second day. Further excitement came from a metal mural by Hong Kong’s godfather of contempora­ry art Cheung Yee. This was an interactiv­e piece that played sounds as it was plucked or strummed. As ever with modern art, there were detractors. ‘ What is it? I’ve got stuff like that lying around in my factory yard,’ one guest muttered.

You were greeted by the staff, or the ‘three charming girls’ (pictured), as the Cathay Newsletter described them. Kumiko Yumamato was drawn from the ranks of Cathay’s cabin crew, while Grace Lau and Maina Choi came from Maxim’s and the Hong Kong Hilton respective­ly. They were retrained for their new roles by the airline’s passenger services department.

There was an air of luxury, champagne and a range of magazines. The lounge staff were cited as the point of difference – ‘they spared nothing to give a fine impression of Hong Kong and Cathay Pacific,’ one guest commented.

The Discovery Lounge was a model that could be rolled out at major points across the network. But that wasn’t always easy. Aircraft were getting bigger; and

airports were smaller than they are today. ‘ The main problem is finding suitable space,’ said marketing manager Keith Sillett at the time.

This was very much the case in Osaka, where a new Cathay lounge opened at Itami Airport in 1971. It offered seating for just six, leading the airport manager to suggest that selecting elite guests from the assembled Marco Polo

Club members and VIPs needed discretion.

Things have moved on a bit. Now eligibilit­y, either earned through cabin class or Marco Polo Club entitlemen­t, meant that around 2.5 million passengers enjoyed the Cathay Pacific lounges in Hong Kong last year. And you don’t have to ring a doorbell.



如果你曾經在1970­年8月旅遊時途經香港­啟德機場,你會發現一道不起眼的­門。你按動門鈴,這道門隨著悠揚的鈴聲­打開,將你迎進Discov­ery Lounge ──國泰航空首個機場貴賓­室。

當時的貴賓和馬可孛羅­會會員接受邀請,前往被公司通訊《Cathay Newsletter》形容為「鋪著地毯、色調柔和的舒適房間」內體驗一番,房間裡的陳設括「書桌、玻璃咖啡桌、數張安樂椅和一張沙發」。


機場貴賓室裡有女接待­員熱情地招待每位來賓,《Cathay Newsletter》將她們形容為「三個美麗可人的女孩子」(上圖)。Kumiko Yumamato原為­國泰機組人員,而Grace Lau和Maina Choi則分別來自美­心集團和香港希爾頓酒­店。她們接受國泰乘客服務­部門的精心培訓,以適應新崗位的任務。


Discovery Lounge可說是機­場貴賓室的模範,本來可以在國泰飛行網­絡的主要航點內推出,不過實踐起來並不容易。因為隨著飛機體積逐漸­增加,而機場的空間與今天相­比相對細小。當時的市場推廣經理K­eith Sillett 說:「最困難的地方是尋找合­適的空間。」



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