Global Times - Weekend

US generals need to be more prudent


US Lieutenant General and director of the Joint Staff Kenneth McKenzie, when asked whether the US has the ability to “blow apart” China’s “man-made” islands, said the US military has had a lot of experience in the West Pacific taking down small islands and that doing so is a core competency of the US military. He was referring to US military operations during WWII and said people “shouldn’t read anything more into that [his comment] than a simple statement of historical fact.”

Is McKenzie threatenin­g China? Whatever his intentions were, this was the impression he left through media reports. Of course the US has the ability to destroy an isolated island but reminding people of such ability is sometimes seen as a political provocatio­n, which McKenzie must have learned during his military education.

In fact the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) also has the ability to destroy any source of attack that threatens to strike a Chinese island, including destroying supportive maritime platforms and military bases. This is also the PLA’s core competency. However, China’s defense ministry and generals from the General Staff department never stress this fact to the US military. China’s military is obviously more restrained.

What does it mean to destroy a Chinese island? It is a declaratio­n of war on China. We do not believe the US government would dare to attempt such folly against a nuclear power, although the current administra­tion is pretty much a bigger showoff than its predecesso­rs.

Hurling threats at each other is not conducive to either the US or China. The current US administra­tion cannot bear the risk and responsibi­lity of starting a war with China in the South China Sea.

The danger in the South China Sea is caused by the US continuing to increase its military presence in the region, forcing China to naturally upgrade its defensive weapons on the islands. This in turn gives the US more excuses to exert military pressure, causing regional tensions to spiral.

If the US-China military rivalry becomes the main theme of the South China Sea, it will impact regional peace and developmen­t. Although some regional countries are pleased to see Washington balancing out Beijing’s influence in the South China Sea, they must remain vigilant that the US might use them as pawns in a dangerous game that will be completely out of their control.

The US will continue to come up with new ways to exert pressure. However, by looking at how Washington runs up against a stone wall when interferin­g in other regions, we know the US, despite its bluffs, cannot shake a powerful country like China. China should not be disturbed by various comments from the US. It should maintain its composure.

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