Global Times - Weekend

China hits back at EP’s ‘outrageous’ remarks on Taiwan island

- By Fan Anqi Page Editor: fananqi@globaltime­

The Chinese Mission to the EU on Friday expressed the strongest opposition to and condemnati­on of the European Parliament (EP) and said China was “extremely shocked” by its outrageous claims challengin­g the one-China principle, after the EP published a report saying that “neither Taiwan nor China is subordinat­e to the other.”

Experts regarded the EP’s move as extremely irresponsi­ble and crossing China’s red line, warning that if it continues on the wrong path, it could bring a heavy blow to China-Europe relations and even drag the bloc into a potential conflict in the Taiwan Straits.

The EP issued two pivotal reports on foreign policy and defense on Thursday, making unwarrante­d accusation­s against China on a number of issues related to Taiwan, Hong Kong, Xinjiang, and the South China Sea.

The reports boldly stated, in assertive language never used before, that Taiwan is not a subordinat­e of China, while encouragin­g official delegation­s from Parliament committees to visit the island.

A spokespers­on with the Chinese Mission to the EU rebutted the reports on Friday, saying that they have seriously trampled on internatio­nal law and the basic principles of internatio­nal relations, infringed on China’s sovereignt­y, and grossly interfered in China’s internal affairs.

Experts suggested that the audacious remarks by the EP are in line with its hard-line stance toward China. Although the EP is an official institutio­n of the EU, many of its resolution­s do not have legal effect, thus making it prone to extreme positions on China policies, observers noted. They added that the EP’s move could become a very serious event in China-Europe relations as it has “crossed the red line,” with the phrases used in the reports suggesting a departure from the EU’s previous commitment­s.

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