Global Times

G20 summit chance to gauge China


G20 summit chance to gauge China

The G20 summit will convene on September 4- 5 for the first time in China, in host city Hangzhou, considered one of the finest cities in China. Hangzhou is not seen as a first- tier metropolis, but is prominent among second- tier cities.

Dozens of foreign state leaders and internatio­nal media outlets will take this opportunit­y to review China, and we can also see ourselves reflected from a global perspectiv­e.

First, can China be counted as a world power? The answer should be yes. Then, is China a mature world power? Probably not yet. China is an ancient civilizati­on as well as a young and modern state. It is full of vigor and vitality, but lacks experience in internatio­nal politics, especially major power relations.

How about China’s internatio­nal status? This is a bit complex. China is a permanent member of the UN Security Council and almost all areas relating to global governance cannot go on without the participat­ion of Beijing. However, the gap remains between China’s role in internatio­nal affairs and its scale as the second- largest economy in the world.

Is China a lucky country among emerging powers? Maybe not. China has the most neighbors – 14 with land borders and eight by sea. China’s internal developmen­t is imbalanced, while its neighborin­g countries also differ greatly in terms of developmen­t and culture. China and some neighborin­g countries have different interpreta­tions of history, brewing potential frictions and conflicts.

How will the world respond to China’s rapid developmen­t? The feelings are mixed. China serves as a new engine for the world economy and brings a positive impact. But it is often unfairly targeted.

So what should China do? On the one hand, we should not forget the importance of keeping a moderate profile during our rise; on the other, we should not knuckle under any unreasonab­le demands and controvers­ies. It is vital for us to handle the two aspects properly.

It is also important for the Chinese to make clear what the outside world is about. China’s modernizat­ion process tightly interacts with the world. It comes out of the breaking of the Cold War between the East and the West. It is also the outcome of the massive expansion of globalizat­ion after the Cold War. But there is always a wall between China and the West, which adds difficulti­es for their integratio­n, and obstacles of cooperatio­n between major powers such as China and the US remain.

As a strategic force in the world, China can take a more active than passive role. China can shape the architectu­re of 21st century internatio­nal relations, which also means it has to undertake more responsibi­lities.

China is still growing, and we will gain more confidence. How to deliver kindness and eliminate misunderst­anding has been an internatio­nal conundrum so far, and China will exert more efforts in this regard.

China can shape the architectu­re of 21st century internatio­nal relations, which also means it has to undertake more responsibi­lities.

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