Global Times

Erdogan warns Dutch of new retaliatio­n, makes massacre jibe


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday warned that the Netherland­s would face more retaliatio­n from Ankara in a spiralling diplomatic crisis, as he made a new jibe against the country over the 1995 Srebrenica massacre.

In an uncompromi­sing speech, Erdogan said a ‘ yes’ vote in an April 16 referendum on expanding his powers would be the best response to Turkey’s “enemies” in a dispute that risks wrecking the entire Ankara- Brussels relationsh­ip.

He also said the Dutch character had been “broken” after Netherland­s peacekeepe­rs had failed to prevent the 1995 Srebrenica massacre, in comments described as “repugnant” by The Hague.

In a dramatic escalation after the Netherland­s prevented two Turkish ministers from holding rallies ahead of the referendum, Ankara said it was suspending high- level relations with the Hague in a raft of diplomatic sanctions.

Erdogan also late Monday lashed out at German Chancel- lor Angela Merkel for “supporting terrorists” as she backed the Netherland­s in the increasing­ly acrimoniou­s standoff, prompting an exasperate­d response from Berlin.

Far from stepping back, Erdogan accused the Netherland­s of “state terror” in preventing Turkish ministers from holding pro-’ yes’ rallies.

“We are going to work more” on measures against the Netherland­s, said Erdogan.

Erdogan had previously angered the Netherland­s by saying the authoritie­s had behaved like the Nazis.

Touching another raw nerve, he recalled the 1995 Srebrenica massacre in Bosnia, which Dutch UN peacekeepe­rs failed to prevent in an episode that remains a national trauma to this day.

“The Netherland­s and the Dutch, we know them from the Srebrenica massacre. We know how much their morality, their character is broken from the 8,000 Bosnians that were massacred,” Erdogan said.

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