Global Times

Expert committee to examine plagiarism in mainland scripts


Liu Heping, standing vicechairm­an of the China Radio and Television Associatio­n’s TV- Series Scriptwrit­ers Committee, announced recently that he will be joining an expert committee dedicated to examining plagiarism in the film and TV industries, news. lanjinger. com reported on Thursday.

According to Liu’s statement, the committee will be establishe­d on March 30.

The first of its kind in the Chinese mainland, the panel will consist of legal experts and film and TV industry insiders. Their main task will be to identify plagiarism among film and TV works and to protect the legal rights of intellectu­al property.

Script plagiarism has become a serious problem in China’s film and TV industry in recent years.

Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms, a popular fantasy novel written by author Tang Qi that has beenbe adapted into both a TV dramadr and a film, brought attentiona­t to plagiarism recently afteraf author Da Feng accused TangTa of copying his novel Taohuazhai.Ta

While plagiarism has been a headacheh for the industry for yem years, identifyin­g it has been a major challenge.

According to well- known scriptwrit­er Yu Fei, a script for a 50- 60 episode drama canc be more than several tens ofo millions of characters long, as such comparing two similar scriptssc can take several months to a year.

Additional­ly, without proper standards,st it is often difficult to identifyid plagiarism.

“A plagiarist can completely copyco your idea but not use a singlesin word from your work,” Yu said. “For example, the story plot can be reordered or follow a similar relationsh­ip between characters, while all their names have been changed and scenes altered.”

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