Global Times

Ex crashes wedding with bullhorn


A larger crowd than expected collected outside a wedding in Jiangsu Province on Tuesday when the bride’s ex took to the streets with a megaphone demanding the 230,000 yuan ($ 33,391) he was owed.

Witnesses said the young man surnamed Zhang had been parading outside the banquet hall in the Taizhou apartment complex where his ex- fiancée and her new husband had just tied the knot.

“You took 88,000 yuan in gifts, then you run over here and get married,” Zhang was heard shouting. “And the 140,000 yuan for building that house, where did it go?”

Police were called to the scene after the groom and his wedding party confronted Zhang in the street.

Zhang told officers he and his ex- fiancée had already set a date when she accepted 88,000 yuan in cash wedding gifts and her father borrowed 140,000 yuan to build a house.

He had all given up on the cash until he heard that not only was his ex marrying a nearby neighbor, but also they were having their wedding in their apartment complex.

Zhang explained he timed his stunt for the wedding because he was sure she would be flush with wedding cash the couple was set to receive.

However, police said they were unable to determine if the money was a loan or a gift.

The case was not resolved as of press time.

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