Global Times

Alleged Swiss diplomat’s girlfriend embroiled in road rage row


A foreign diplomat in Shanghai was rapped online, after his girlfriend was caught allegedly cursing at a driver in a traffic dispute.

After getting involved in a traffic dispute, Sino Weibo user “TangVision” uploaded a video on Friday which showed him being scolded by a woman in Shanghaine­se dialect, sparking criticism online.

According to the Weibo user, the dispute began after both sides refused to give way in a narrow street.

The nighttime video begins with the woman, who was sharing a consulate car driven by her alleged boyfriend, hurling abuse at the other driver, who films her through his car window.

Net users say the woman’s boyfriend is David Storne, consular attaché at the Luxembourg Consulate General in Shanghai.

The consulate has not confirmed his identity as of press time.

The alleged diplomat, who first played no role in the dispute, later prevented his female passenger from becoming embroiled in a physical altercatio­n with another male onlooker who objected to her language. Both drivers, and another unidentifi­ed male, then attempt to prevent the man and woman from brawling.

The video by “Tang Vision” has attracted more than 47,000 comments and been reposted 38,000 times as of press time. The page, with the hashtag “epic squalling,” has been clicked on more than 37 million times.

Many netizens were angered at the woman. “I felt the woman majors in scolding,” wrote Weibo user “haoran216.”

Some praised the diplomat’s reaction, after he warned an assailant, “Do not touch my girlfriend.” Others say he should have stopped the woman from arguing with other people in the first place, though.

According to “Tang Vision,” the couple eventually backed down, letting the driver pass through.

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