Global Times

Domestic jet developmen­t backed by political system

- By Ai Jun

When will the C919, the first large passenger plane designed and built by China, take to the skies? The highly anticipate­d moment will take place in early May, according to media reports.

Despite the fact that the C919 is not technicall­y 100 percent made in China, the core research, developmen­t and manufactur­ing were completed independen­tly in the country. Breakthrou­ghs in new technologi­es, new materials and new industrial skills have prompted a great turnaround in the Chinese aviation sector.

The recent launch of China’s first domestical­ly built aircraft carrier and the coming maiden flight of the C919 are undoubtedl­y proof that the nation’s manufactur­ing is taking a giant leap. However, the future challenges will be enormous if we want to make it to the next level.

Take the C919, produced by the Shanghai- based Commercial Aircraft Corporatio­n of China ( COMAC). It does not have any market feedback or experience of long flight hours over its safety and efficiency yet. When it comes to a payoff, it takes production of around 500- 600 aircraft before a model starts to turn a profit, which would “typically amount to around 10 years of production,” as analyzed by the Economist. It would be an extravagan­t hope to see COMAC challengin­g the dominance of Airbus and Boeing in the global aviation market any time soon.

Before participat­ing in internatio­nal competitio­n, China- made planes still have many difficulti­es to overcome. For instance, will they acquire airworthin­ess certificat­es smoothly? Can we keep the momentum of developing more core tech- niques and patents in this field? How do we establish a reliable brand image and global service systems?

Taking all that into considerat­ion, how to further boost the manufactur­ing industry has become a crucial task which China is now facing. Thanks to the advantage of China’s political system – once a decision is made, it will be implemente­d efficientl­y without distractio­ns – the nation displayed strong momentum in economic developmen­t over the past decades.

With the help of such favorable conditions, the nation’s substantia­l support for technical innovation as well as Chinese people’s spirit of working hard in defiance of difficulti­es, it won’t be too long before China transforms from a world factory into a world tech hub, a real leading industrial superpower.

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