Global Times




1 Butter ___ ( ice cream flavor) 6 Neighbor of Libya 10 Vegetative state 14 Adult insect 15 Detest 16 Hard knocks cosmetics

company? 17 Be courageous in spite of

one’s fears 20 Suffix for the extreme 21 Cause of much head

scratching 22 Hypnotic state 23 Bloodsucki­ng creature 25 Violent dance pit 26 Place for a crowning glory 28 Headcount units? 32 Did a lawn chore 34 Villain’s adversary 35 Follow everywhere 38 Name names 42 One of 100 in D. C. 43 Can of worms? 44 Russian country house 45 Zany ones 48 Schindler kept one 49 Ten C- notes 51 Acted as king 53 Former French coins 55 A head 56 Before, of yore 59 Be a strict disciplina­rian 62 Breezed through 63 It may be highly decorated

in December 64 Like shoes 65 Bungle ( with “up”) 66 Frau’s beloved 67 Seemingly bottomless



1 Frosty’s mouthpiece? 2 Flightless flock 3 Ben Cartwright, for one 4 Khan’s title 5 Chivalrous 6 Three- step dance 7 Currently possess 8 Absorbed, as a cost 9 Adroit 10 Chocolate- yielding plants 11 Bake- off requiremen­ts 12 Borrow with no thought of

repaying 13 “Green Gables” focus 18 Wealthy 19 Quite a bit to carry 24 Corp. VIP 26 White- topped mountains 27 Raised rug surface 29 Certain sorority member 30 Presidents’ Day mo. 31 Web address 33 Corrupt morally 35 Without question 36 ___ and aahs 37 Buzzing pest 39 Small amount 40 Sound heard before “Par

don me” 41 One sex 45 Single- celled organisms 46 Thing said before bed

time 47 “No ___ thing” 49 Slight amount 50 19th U. S. president 52 ___ apso ( canine) 53 Flim-___ 54 Dickens’ Pecksniff 55 Anon’s partner 57 Future fishes 58 Reaches a conclusion 60 A word with you nuts? 61 Hill in San Francisco

 ??  ??

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