Global Times

Global coral bleaching may be ending, US agency says


Coral reef bleaching may be easing after three years of high ocean temperatur­es, the longest such period since the 1980s, the National Oceanic and Atmospheri­c Administra­tion ( NOAA) said Monday.

Its experts said satellite data and other analysis showed widespread bleaching was no longer occurring in all three ocean basins – Atlantic, Pacific and Indian – “indicating a likely end to the global bleaching event.”

Scientists from NOAA, an agency of the US Department of Commerce, said they will closely monitor sea surface temperatur­es and bleaching “over the next six months to confirm the event’s end.”

Since 2015, all tropical coral reefs have seen above- normal temperatur­es, and more than 70 percent experience­d prolonged high temperatur­es that can cause bleaching. US coral reefs were hit hardest, with two years of severe bleaching in Florida and Hawaii, three in the Mariana Islands, and four in Guam, according to NOAA.

“This global coral bleaching event has been the most widespread, longest and perhaps the most damaging on record,” said Mark Eakin, NOAA’s Coral Reef Watch coordinato­r.

Healthy coral reefs protect shores from storms and offer habitats for marine life, including ecological­ly and economical­ly important species. However, after corals die, reefs quickly degrade and the structures that corals build erode. While corals can recover from mild bleaching, severe or long- term bleaching is often lethal, experts say.

Early in 2017, the rise in water temperatur­e caused significan­t bleaching in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.

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