Global Times

Agricultur­e in need of attention

- By Cai Hanping The author is president of Hunan Elephant Legs Brand Management. bizopinion@ globaltime­s. com. cn

Having devoted myself to the agricultur­e industry, there are some things I have learned and that I want to share.

First, opportunis­m is the greatest danger for agricultur­e. Agricultur­e is different from the Internet or the automobile industry, because as well as yielding commoditie­s, it is fundamenta­l for the support of life. However, when people discuss the developing opportunit­ies of agricultur­e in China, they only discuss its economic and commodity attributes, without giving thought to its special purpose. The so- called “coming opportunit­ies” are actually some people’s lust for money. The reason why there is a great mess in Chinese agricultur­e is that the current industry is money oriented.

It is not difficult to understand the chaotic phenomena in the current agricultur­al industry. Some people are working for the agricultur­al industry, while some are just trying to make money from it. Some people are aiming to produce food, while others are treating food as goods that are no different from other commoditie­s traded in the market.

The core value from agricultur­e is feeding people. As we need to eat every day, agricultur­al opportunit­ies are always there, but simply linking agricultur­e to money will cause endless damage. First, it plundered the welfare of farmers, leading to pure speculatio­n. Second, it destroyed the ecological balance of agricultur­e and pulled the industry into a vicious utilitaria­n cycle. Third, this led to the problem of food safety, which has always worried the public.

Only “true love” can improve agricultur­e. China has thousands of years of history of agricultur­al civilizati­on, but the industry is no longer regarded as being refined and highly developed. However, while it is belittled by many people as purely a gathering of smallholde­r farmers, Chinese agricultur­e is recognized by the world’s agricultur­al institutio­ns as having produced a combinatio­n of intensive, sustainabl­e and vigorous farming. It is also recognized that this model has allowed China to constantly and successful­ly feed the largest population on the planet for thousands of years, despite China’s limited territory.

Throughout history, there are examples of farming territory that have become wasteland due to soil fertility depletion. To my great sadness, the country that created the world’s most intelligen­t farming model is now walking back toward the previous failures of other cultures.

In China, the last generation­s of traditiona­l farmers are getting old. Among the new generation­s, many believe that they cannot rely on farming for their livelihood­s so they choose to become migrant workers instead. Some come back to farming, but because they didn’t inherit and master the traditiona­l agricultur­al practices, they can only be ruled by the modern agricultur­al industry as low- level workers. China’s agricultur­e has been directed by outsiders instead of our most experience­d people. Frankly, the so- called “modern agricultur­e” is a process of predatory industrial­ization based on the premise of maximizing profits.

It can be said that some of the Chinese people with the best understand­ing of farming are leaving the agricultur­e industry. Meanwhile, in contrast to the movement of rural people toward the cities, more and more rich people from the city are renting land to plant food for themselves. Few of them do this for money; they just want to eat safe food. When the citizens only dare to eat the food they have grown themselves, isn’t it time for some deep national introspect­ion about this? Indeed, fertilizer­s and pesticides are widely used by farmers, and they are also tightly related to food safety. But it is worth understand­ing that nowadays the ways of farming are not in accordance with farmers’ decisions. Farmers may not be able to earn any money from farming, and they even have to rely on part- time work to feed themselves. What’s more, they are at risk of suffering public accusation­s.

So, a number of people have started to step into agricultur­e not to earn money but to eat safe food. This is a kind of genuine love for agricultur­e. When people’s core purpose is not necessaril­y to make money, they can always stick to their bottom line.

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 ?? Illustrati­on: Peter C. Espina/ GT ??
Illustrati­on: Peter C. Espina/ GT

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