Global Times

What’s hot on Sina Weibo


Editor’s Note:

Are you up on what the hundreds of millions of Chinese netizens are talking about? Take a moment and get the rundown of what’s hot, what’s trending, and what’s drawing the most buzz on the Chinese blogospher­e.

# Baoji- Lanzhou highspeed railway comes online# views: 6.05m

A newly built high- speed railway connecting cities in Northwest China’s Shaanxi Province and Gansu Province is expected to go into service this Sunday.

The 402- kilometer- long railway line linking Baoji and Lanzhou marks Northwest China’s offi cial integratio­n into the national high- speed railway network, according to China Railway.

The railway will make it possible to travel between the two cities in less than two hours, while in the past it took seven hours.

Tickets for the new line have been on sale since Thursday.

# University enhances acceptance letters with AR# views: 700k

Northweste­rn Polytechni­cal University ( NPU) students can scan their offers of acceptance using their mobile phones to get familiar with the campus before they arrive.

NPU, based in Northwest China, has integrated augmented reality ( AR) technology into its paper offers of acceptance to give students access to informatio­n about the university in an interactiv­e way.

Students can learn about the history of the university by scanning the front page of the offer and find out more informatio­n by scanning the reverse side.

“The AR off er perfectly shows our focus on history and innovation,” an employee in the Northweste­rn Polytechni­cal University admissions offi ce said.

# Man abused for not giving seat to pregnant woman# views: 809k

A young man was verbally abused on the Shanghai subway Monday for refusing to give up his seat for a pregnant woman.

The man, whose name has not been disclosed, was about to off er his seat to the pregnant woman on Line 9 but changed his mind after being ordered to do so by another female passenger.

He was then criticized by the female passenger.

“I was exhausted too,” he later said on his Weibo account, “It’s not my duty.”

# Debt collectors gather at LETV headquarte­rs# views: 798k

Debt collectors from 19 companies gathered at the LETV headquarte­rs in Beijing Wednesday, demanding that online broadcasti­ng tycoon Jia Yueting pay back money he owes.

LETV owes the 19 companies, mainly advertisem­ent and constructi­on service providers, more than 60 million yuan ($ 8.82m) in total, according to one debt collector.

LETV is currently facing a debt crisis.

The online video platform confi rmed that more than 99 percent of the shares its CEO held had been frozen as of Tuesday.

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