Global Times

Court stipulates heavy punishment for forced prostituti­on

- By Hu Yuyan

Those who force minors and pregnant women into prostituti­on will face punishment ranging from 10 years to life in prison, according to a new judicial interpreta­tion jointly released by the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procurator­ate.

The judicial interpreta­tion on handling prostituti­on specifies that forcing girls under 14 years of age into prostituti­on constitute­s a severe criminal offense and convicts of such crime could face 10 years to life in prison, as well as a fine or confiscati­on of property.

The judicial interpreta­tion will take effect on Tuesday.

Also classified in the interpreta­tion as“severe criminal offenses” are :“organized prostituti­on that involves more than five minors, pregnant women, retarded people or people with serious sexual diseases” or “forced prostituti­on that involves more than three minors, pregnant women, retarded people or people with serious sexual diseases.”

The interpreta­tion released on Sunday also stipulates that those luring girls under 14 years of age into prostituti­on will face at least five years in prison and a fine.

It also said that posting prostituti­on informatio­n online will be treated as “illegal use of informatio­n network.”

“Forced prostituti­on of minors is considered a serious criminal act because it is akin to rape in nature. But compared with rape, forced prostituti­on causes greater damage to children as it might happen for more than once,” Ruan Qilin, professor at the China University of Political Science and Law, told the Global Times on Monday.

“Children under 14 are physically and psychologi­cally vulnerable. Children who have been victims of such crimes will suff er from severe trauma,” Song Yinghui, professor at Beijing Normal University, told the Global Times on Monday.

Song added that other countries also stipulate heavy punishment for sexual crimes against minors, although the years of imprisonme­nt may vary.

For example, in the US, if the victim is under the age of 14 or if force, fraud, or coercion is used, the penalty is not less than 15 years in prison up to life, according to a citizen’s guide to the US federal law on the prostituti­on of children on the website of the Department of Justice of the US.

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