Global Times

Ofo bike supplier ‘not affected’ by cities’ bans on new shared bicycles


Domestic bike manufactur­er Flying Pigeon, which makes bicycles for renowned online bicycle-sharing company ofo, told the Global Times on Thursday that its production plans have not been affected by moves by several local government­s to ban new shared bikes on the streets.

“We are currently making the high-end product line of a customized ofo bike, and we have not yet changed our manufactur­ing target of 5 to 6 million as the total bike output,” Flying Pigeon told the Global Times.

The company commented after the Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport on Thursday banned bicycle-sharing companies from putting any new cycles on the streets.

Ofo said that it will strictly adhere to the rule, according to a statement it sent to the Global Times on Thursday.

The company said that it will add nearly 100 vehicles to its dispatchin­g system in Beijing to keep its shared bikes in order.

Another bicycle-sharing company, Mobike, noted that it will give full support to the regulation, the company said in a note it sent to the Global Times on Thursday.

Other cities such as Shanghai and Shenzhen have already ordered an end to further expansion of the companies’ sharedbicy­cle fleets.

There are about 15 million shared bikes on China’s streets, said a report of in August.

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