Global Times

Privacy on India’s fast-growing internet needs rethink in terms of sovereignt­y

- By Hu Weijia The author is a reporter with the Global Times. bizopinion@ globaltime­

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s official mobile app allegedly sent personal user data to a third party without users’ consent, Reuters reported, news that caused an uproar online and made people aware of the seriousnes­s of personal privacy problems.

With the growth in internet use in India, leaks of personal informatio­n happen more frequently. The introducti­on of Aadhaar – the country’s digital identity system – and some new apps has triggered fierce controvers­ies about whether the software has loopholes that may lead to privacy violations.

Online privacy is among the most common problems seen in emerging economies where the internet is growing fast. Amid the Facebook data scandal, developed countries, especially the EU, have worked harder to achieve privacy protection. Enforceabl­e regulation­s concerning data protection have been establishe­d in those countries. But emerging countries, including China and India, need to speed up efforts to address the privacy problem.

One question worth considerin­g is what role the government should play in privacy enforcemen­t. The question is not a result of economic nationalis­m or opposition to government procuremen­t, but an issue regarding the government’s obligation when it comes to online privacy issues.

Enacting laws is not enough by itself to provide adequate protection for personal privacy, and the government should be involved in internet governance and the technical design of certain apps. The supervisio­n of the fast-growing internet will not be easy, but the government should not use this as an excuse to evade its obligation­s.

Some emerging economies may draw on the experience of developed countries in privacy protection, but they need to be aware that informatio­n security is to some extent a part of national sovereignt­y. The system of law in India is inherited from the British system, since India was once a British colony, and this situation bred a Western way of thinking in some issues regarding privacy protection. Now it is time to think whether this applies to the protection of internet sovereignt­y.

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