Global Times

Back in her motherland

Malala makes first trip to Pakistan since Taliban attack, but is met with harsh criticism


Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai returned to Pakistan on Thursday, officials said, in her first visit since she was airlifted from her homeland to Britain after being shot in the head by a Taliban gunman more than five years ago.

The 20-year-old’s unannounce­d arrival with her parents under tight security at Islamabad’s internatio­nal airport overnight has been met with a tsunami of social media reaction, with many Pakistanis hailing her bravery but others accusing her of a conspiracy to foment dissent.

Despite Malala being a globally respected icon and an advocate for girls’ education, opinion is divided in Pakistan, where some conservati­ves view her as a Western agent on a mission to shame her country.

She met with Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi at his office in Islamabad Thursday along with some other officials, according to the Twitter account of ruling party the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), which gave no other details.

Her schedule for the four-day trip is being closely guarded.

“She will be meeting several people here but her itinerary is not being disclosed due to security reasons,” foreign office spokesman Muhammad Faisal told AFP.

“We welcome Malala .... She is back home. It is a positive developmen­t,” he said, calling her “one of our young and brilliant daughters” and adding that Pakistanis should respect her.

Residents of Malala’s native Swat valley, where she lived until the shooting, said they were happy to see her return.

“I had not imagined that she would ever come [back],” Rida Siyal, a student who said she had been a “good friend” of Malala’s before the shooting, told AFP.

“[She] defeated the dark force of fear. We are delighted to see her back,” she said.

Ahmad Shah, who said he was a friend of Malala’s father, called her a “symbol of courage,” adding that “she should have returned home much earlier.”

Symbol for girls’ rights

Malala became a global symbol for human rights after a gunman boarded her school bus in Swat on October 9, 2012. He asked “Who is Malala?” and then shot her in the head.

She was treated for her injuries in the British city of Birmingham, where she also completed her high school studies.

After becoming the youngest ever winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014, she continued to be a vocal advocate for girls’ education, while furthering her studies at Oxford University.

“I welcome #MalalaYous­afzai the brave and resilient daughter of Pakistan back to her country,” politician Syed Ali Raza Abidi wrote on Twitter, one of many Pakistanis expressing joy at her return, despite ongoing security fears.

But pockets of intense criticism also emerged among some Pakistanis who view her negatively, including hardline Islamists as well as members of the conservati­ve middle class who support education for girls but object to airing the country’s problems abroad.

‘She is not your enemy’

One leading Pakistani journalist, Hamid Mir, issued a plea for opposition politician­s and commentato­rs to exercise restraint when talking about the visit.

“Internatio­nal media is highly focused on her return and this [bad language] will damage Pakistan’s image,” he said.

Other Pakistanis echoed his concerns on social media.

“Dear Pakistanis! Malala is not your enemy. Your enemies were those monsters who shot her point blank on her way to school,” wrote Twitter user Shahira Lashari.

Malala began her campaign aged just 11 when she started writing a blog – under a pseudonym – for the BBC’s Urdu service in 2009 about life under the Taliban in Swat, where they were banning girls’ education.

In 2007, Islamist militants imposed a brutal, bloody rule in the area, which Malala affectiona­tely called “My Swat.”

Opponents were murdered, people were publicly flogged for supposed breaches of Sharia law, women were banned from going to market and girls were prohibited from going to school.

But it was only after the shooting, and a subsequent miraculous recovery, that she became a truly global figure.

She opened a Twitter account on her last day of school in July 2017 and now has more than a million followers.

“I know that millions of girls around the world are out of school and may never get the opportunit­y to complete their education,” Malala wrote at the time.

During a recent appearance at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerlan­d, the feminist campaigner urged women to “change the world” without waiting for the help of men.

“We won’t ask men to change the world, we’re going to do it ourselves,” Malala said.

“We’re going to stand up for ourselves, we’re going to raise our voices and we’re going to change the world.”

 ?? Photo: AFP ?? Malala Yousafzai, who is designated UN Messenger of Peace, delivers remarks at the UN headquarte­rs, in New York, the US on April 10, 2017. Malala is the youngest ever UN Messenger of Peace, awarded for her fight for education.
Photo: AFP Malala Yousafzai, who is designated UN Messenger of Peace, delivers remarks at the UN headquarte­rs, in New York, the US on April 10, 2017. Malala is the youngest ever UN Messenger of Peace, awarded for her fight for education.

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