Global Times



Chat attack obvious disease – Internet slang that refers to things that people know they should do, but are unable to bring themselves to do 明明病 (m!ngm!ng b#ng) A: Why have you suddenly started studying so much lately? Usually would you have headed out to have some fun by now? 你最近怎么突然发奋读­书了?平常这个时候你不是早­就跑出去玩了吗? (n@ zu#j#n z0nme t$r1n f`f-n d%sh$ le? p!ngch1ng zh-g- sh!h7u n@ b%sh# z2oji& p2o ch$q& w1n le ma?) B: I just realized that finals are next week and I haven’t started reviewing! Obviously I should have set two hours a day aside to study a while ago. 我才发现下周就要期末­考试了,我还没开始复习呢!明明我给自己规定每天­都要看书两小时的。 (w6 c1i f`xi3n xi3zh4u ji&y3o q~m7 k2osh# le, w6 h1im9i k`ish@ f&x! ne! m!ngm!ng w6 g0i z#j@ gu~d#ng m0iti`n d4uy3o k3nsh$ li2ng xi2osh! de.) A: But you never succeeded in doing that even once! 可你一次都没有完成啊! (k0 n@ y!c# d4u m9iy6u w1nch9ng a!) B: I suffer from obvious disease! It’s obvious I should do it, but I don’t want to. 这就是明明病啊!明明知道自己该去做,可就是不想做。 (zh- ji&sh# m!ngm!ng b#ng a! m!ngm!ng zh~d3o z#j@ g`i q&zu7, k0 ji&sh# b&xi2ng zu7.)

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