Global Times



Chat attack

speechless 无言以对 (w%y1n y@du#)

A: I came up with a new way to lose weight yesterday. Not only do you not have to suffer through exercise or from not eating, it’s actually pretty pleasant.


(w6 zu5ti`n y1nji$ ch$ y!t3o x~nx!ng de ji2nf9i f`ngf2, b&j@n b%y7ng x~nk^ de y&nd7ng h9 ji9sh!, h1i h0n xi2ngsh7u ne.)

B: Okay, let me hear it. If it’s good I’ll give it a try.


(shu4 l1i t~ngt~ng, h2o de hu3 w6 y0 ch1ngsh# y!xi3.)

A: It’s like this. The more you eat, the more energy you need to digest the food. So in this way, the more you eat, the more weight you will lose! From now on, you can eat without any worries!


(n@ k3n, n@ ch~ de yu-du4, yu- x$y3o g-ngdu4 de n9ngli3ng q& xi`ohu3 sh!w&, zh-y3ng ch~ de yu-du4 yu-n9ng c&j#n n@ ji2nf9i a! y@h7u ji& k0y@ f3ngx~n de ch~ le!)

B: This theory really has left me speechless.


(n@ zh-t3o l@l&n zh8nsh# r3ngw6 w%y3n y@ du# a!)

 ?? Illustrati­on: Xia Qing/GT ??
Illustrati­on: Xia Qing/GT

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