Global Times

Radical Western extremists threaten global security

- By Yu Jincui

Is China an ideologica­l rival? Is the country challengin­g Western ideology by exporting its values, political system and developmen­t ideas? With China’s rise, these issues have increasing­ly raised concerns from some Western politician­s, observers and media outlets. They stubbornly believe that as China rises in a different model from that of the West, it will inevitably pose a threat to Western values, economy and security, thus undermine the current internatio­nal order.

Australian Liberal MP Andrew Hastie, an infamous China hawk, on Thursday warned Australia against underestim­ating China, comparing the West’s attitude to China to France’s inadequate defense against Nazi Germany in the 1930s. He also argued that the West has ignored the role of Communist ideology in China’s foreign policies.

The explosive comments show Hastie’s strong ideologica­l prejudice against China. China and Australia have no major conflicts of interest. Instead, the two countries have maintained a close economic relationsh­ip. It’s perplexing why some Australian political elites are so fearful and paranoid about China. In the US, Kiron Skinner, the State Department’s director of policy planning, trumpeted China is an “ideologica­l competitor” that seeks a kind of global reach. It’s obvious some Westerners, especially some ideologica­l extremists, are misreading and misinterpr­eting China.

China has no strategic motive to export ideology or values, nor does it have the will to subvert the existing internatio­nal order. China pursues a defense policy that is purely defensive in nature. It has expanded global footprints through developing winwin cooperatio­n with other countries. The warnings against communist ideology in China’s foreign policies are totally redundant. China has long insisted on that foreign policies serve the domestic economy, trying to avoid ideologica­l difference­s which may affect foreign relations.

The fear of some Westerners toward China’s rise is out of their ideologica­l prejudice. Their obsession with Western centrism makes them unable to view China’s rise in an objective manner. They are stuck in stereotype­s that Western ideologies, political systems and civilizati­ons are superior to others and should be emulated. However, no ideology can claim to be superior to others.

Believing their ideologies and civilizati­ons were superior, the British colonists slaughtere­d indigenous Australian­s. They even thought the massacre removed the inferior people. Such an ideology of Western superiorit­y was similar to that of Adolf Hitler.

Now, some Westerners believe in the absolute superiorit­y of Western civilizati­on. This is a type of extremism. In reality, such a mind-set can easily cause frictions, even conflicts, between different civilizati­ons, making it a serious global challenge.

With the rapid rise of non-Western countries, especially Asian countries, the comparativ­e advantage of the West has become weakened. Some Westerners have thus become even more sensitive and narrow-minded. Their vigilance, mistrust and hostility toward other civilizati­ons have exacerbate­d. They should learn to face up to and adapt to the rise of non-Western civilizati­ons. It’s fair to say ideologica­l extremists stuck to Western centrism are the biggest security threats to the world, as there are risks they might provoke a war.

Due to the rhetoric that fueled the “China threat” theory of some Australian politician­s, China-Australia relations have been strained in recent years. Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said earlier this month that repairing bilateral relations has been “unsatisfac­tory.” Canberra should be mindful, and not allow radical politician­s like Hastie to derail the reset of the bilateral ties.

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