Global Times

FIFA side-steps India row as plan splits sport


World body FIFA has told Indian soccer to sort out its difference­s after a move to hand the I-League’s top-tier status to the franchise-based Indian Super League (ISL) drew a threat of legal action.

FIFA said clubs needed to work with the All India Football Federation (AIFF) after the national body moved to strip the I-League winners of their place in the AFC Champions League qualifiers and give it to the ISL.

Despite an appeal from aggrieved I-League club owners, FIFA refused to intervene and said they needed to find a solution with the AIFF.

“It was clear that there are numerous aspects of the recommenda­tions that still require further considerat­ion prior to them being implemente­d,” FIFA wrote in a letter to the I-League clubs. “We therefore strongly believe that the AIFF is best placed to do this.”

The collision between the rival competitio­ns has been coming since the ISL made its debut in 2014. The ISL, modelled on cricket’s hugely successful Indian Super League, quickly overtook the I-League’s viewing figures as it attracted veteran stars like Alessandro del Piero and Nicolas Anelka.

Six I-League clubs have challenged the plan to give the ISL winners India’s slot in the Champions League qualifiers, an honour reserved for a country’s top league.

Ranjit Bajaj, owner of ILeague champions Minerva Punjab, earlier promised to launch legal action if FIFA does not step in.

“I am surprised to find FIFA turning a blind eye to the clear and obvious violation of FIFA statutes and principles by the AIFF which would not be acceptable anywhere in the world,” he wrote in a letter to FIFA. “We strongly believe that the AIFF is totally incompeten­t in handling the crisis which is being faced by the Indian football.”

But AIFF Secretary-General Kushal Das said the national body was not shutting the door on the I-League.

“We have always maintained the body which is in the best position to direct Indian football is the AIFF,” Das told AFP.

“There can be suggestion­s from various stakeholde­rs, but ultimately it is the AIFF who has to implement it taking into account all practical issues, and FIFA simply said that is indeed the case.”

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