Global Times


- Illustrati­on: Liu Xidan/GT Page Editor: chenxi@globaltime­

Chat attack

budding/ 含苞待放/ (h1nb`o d3if3ng)

A: Over the past few years, I’ve come to feel that student’s psychologi­cal issues have become very serious. I’ve seen several news reports about people who committed suicide by jumping off a building. In most cases, it was related to overwhelmi­ng pressure from studying or family troubles. It’s so worrisome.这几年感觉学生的心理­问题很严重啊,看到几件跳楼自杀的新­闻,理由大部分都是和学习­压力大、家庭不幸福有关,真是令人堪忧!

(zh- j@ni1n g2nju9 xu9sh8ngde x~nl@ w-nt! h0ny1nzh7n­ga, k3nd3o j@ji3n ti3ol5u z#sh`de x~nw9n, l@y5u d3b&f-n d4ush# h9 xu9x! y`l#d3, ji`t!ng b%x#ngf% y6ugu`n, zh8nsh# l#ngr9n k`ny4u.)

B: Yeah, I saw a case of a lower grade student, they speculate that her reason for jumping was because her essays were often heavily revised by her teacher. Although the ultimate reason is still being investigat­ed, it is such a shame to see such a budding life end so early.是啊,我看有个低年级的学生,跳楼原因推测为该女孩­的作文多次遭老师批改,虽然最后的原因还在调­查中,但是真的令人惋惜,这样的一个含苞待放的­生命就这么夭折了。

(sh#a, w6 k3n y6uge d~ni1nj!de xu9sh8ng, ti3ol5u yu1ny~n tu~cw9i g`in)h1ide zu7w9n du4c# z`o l2osh~ p~g2i, su~r1n zu#h7ude yu1ny~n h1iz3i di3och1zh4­ng, d3nsh# zh8nde l#ngr9n w2nx~, zhy3ngde y!g- h1nb`o d3if3ngde sh8ngm#ng ji&zh-me y`ozh9le. )

A: It’s really difficult to be a teacher! One misstep and it could lead to tragedy.老师也不好当啊! 一不留意就可能酿成悲­剧。

(l2osh~ y0 b&h2od`nga. y!b& li%y# ji& k0n9ng ni3ngch9ng b8ij&.)

B: Parents should also pay attention to communicat­ing with their kids.家长也应该重视与孩子­沟通。(ji`zh2ng y0 y~ngg`i zh7ngsh# y^ h1izi g4ut4ng. )

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