Home Journal



Designers Marco Giunta and Viviana Haddad created Casa Talía, a boutique hotel in Sicily San Francisco-based architect Michael Bardin of HDR The light-filled wing of University of Oregon's Science Building, one of HDR's projects

Slow design can begin at home. Find out where the materials used to build your home and furniture come from. Choose natural materials that are free from harmful chemicals. Take the stairs as often as possible. Open your windows to let your body react to the changing seasons and light, and think about your material waste. "When you compost, reuse and recycle, you gain an appreciati­on of the value of things – and this expands into your appreciati­on for the physical environmen­t," says Michael.

An appreciati­on of and a strong emotional connection with one's surroundin­gs are key components of the slow design philosophy, something that resonates with husband and wife Marco Giunta and Viviana Haddad, both architects from Milan, who relocated from the big city to the small Sicilian town of Modica. After visiting Modica on holiday in 2001, the couple loved it so much that they purchased an old house, which they then restored with locally sourced stones, tiles and plaster. It now operates as Casa Talía – a boutique hotel where guests can experience life at a more leisurely pace. "We were looking for a better, simpler and more authentic way to live," recalls Marco. "Casa Talía respects the environmen­t and takes into account the history of the place. It connects with the site, the city and the local culture." HO≤E JOURNAL


對環境的欣賞與強烈的­情感連繫是這個理論的­關鍵元素。來自米蘭的建築師夫婦­Marco Giunta和Viv­iana Haddad從大城市­搬到莫迪卡西西里小鎮,改變他們對設計的看法。2001年到過莫迪卡­度假後,夫婦對該地愛不釋手,更買下一間舊房子。他們以搜購自當地的石­材、磚和灰泥翻修建築,打造出Casa Talia精品酒店,讓客人以慢活方式感受­人生。Marco回想:「我們渴望更好更簡單的­真誠生活模式。Casa Talia對環境投以­尊重態度,並融入當地歷史。它與地址、城市和當地文化緊緊相­連。」

香港新世界發展有限公­司最近一項住宅項目柏­傲山便以和諧與環境共­處的宗旨為重心。項目由文化企業家Ad­rian Cheng牽首,是首個圍繞

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