Home Journal



The master bedroom, located in the cube extension, makes you feel like you're sequestere­d away in the middle of nature. The washbasin, cabinet and tiles are from Porcelanos­a; the bathtub is from Roca



A few months after Delphine and her family have settled in, there’s no doubt in their minds that they love their new home – the cosiness, the functional­ity and especially the natural light. "We used to live in a dark house with windows that had lots of small windowpane­s," says Delphine. "Here, the sliding doors and panoramic windows make it feel like we’re living outdoors. We also love the expansive view and the leafy scenery. It’s a big change from our former city garden, which was small and encircled by high walls all around." Even without the sunlight, however, she has plenty of praise for their new home. "It’s also lovely at night, with the view of the Bordeaux city lights in the distance." //

THE combinaTio­n makEs for flawlEss inTEriors – THE rEsulTing spacE is a pinnaclE of sopHisTica­Tion wHilE sTill rEmaining HomEly and livEd-in.”

Delphine和家­人安居於此數月後,對新居的舒適感、功能,特別是天然光,愛不釋手。「舊居窗戶設滿框格,昏暗無光。」Delphine續說:「但這兒的趟門和無阻擋­大窗卻讓一家人有如置­身戶外之中。無障礙景色和嫩綠景致­教人陶醉。從城市花園舊居搬來,轉變極大;那兒空間小,並被高牆四方包圍。」然而,即使沒了天然光,她依然找到眾多熱愛新­居的理由:「夜晚離遠望向波爾多城­市美景,別有另一番風味。」// HO≤E JOURNAL

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