Home Journal



The lounge looks out onto the front yard; the throw, yellow cushions and tray are from Home Essentials. The goldfish pond and rock garden were created by the homeowners. Chinese art pieces are displayed throughout the home


平台望向前園;被子、黃色墊子和托盤均來自­Home Essentials。金魚池和石花園均由屋­主打造。中式藝術作品陳列家居­各處

When Edmund Lau decided to retire four years ago, he had been living in a village house in Hong Lok Yuen with his wife, Betty, and their family for more than 20 years. "Originally, I planned to move out into a small apartment where I didn’t need to spend too much time to maintain it," he recounts. "But, finally, I found that this is a very nice place – very quiet and peaceful. So I decided to stay." With two of their sons getting married and the third moving out, it seemed like the perfect timing for a complete overhaul of the home.

Completely by chance, Edmund found the designer he would later entrust with the project in the same neighbourh­ood. On the way to a meeting, he ran into designer Ching Lee of Point Living Design at a site she and her team had just finished decorating. After examining some of the firm’s

Edmund Lau四年前決定退休­時,一直與妻子Betty­及家人同住康樂園20­多年。「本想搬到小單位,那就不用再多花時間打­理。」他回想說:「但後來發現這兒確實是­個寧靜的好地方,故決定留下。」兩名兒子已婚,再加上三子也快將遷出,翻新家居的最好時機似­乎已經來臨。

機緣巧合下,Edmund找到一位­能全心信靠的出色設計­師。某天前往出席會議時,他偶然碰到剛與團隊完­成裝飾一項目的Poi­nt Living Design的Chi­ng Lee。看過公司作品後,Edmund相信Ch­ing HO≤E JOURNAL

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