Home Journal



One of the children’s bedrooms is shared by a brother and sister, therefore the colours are kept gender neutral. Another of the children’s bedrooms was already decorated in a space motif, to their great delight – the high ceilings are perfect for the theme


其中一間孩子睡房屬一­對小兄弟姊妹共用,故採用中性色彩。另一間孩子房則以太空­裝飾為主,高樓底更加是完美一筆 was custom-made in Hong Kong – the white surface is made from Corian, a material designed to repel dirt and stains, and is purported to last a lifetime. The unusual wooden coat stand was bought in Taipei and Melissa brought back the ebony sculpture from a Tanzania safari trip.

Dominating the corner of the living room is a piano, which is played by everyone in the family so far – except for the couple’s two-year-old. Making a bold statement next to it is a large painting depicting a bustling Indonesian market. Melissa explains, "I love the market theme because I enjoy exploring markets whenever I visit a new place – there is always so much to discover." The glass sculpture of a wave with two sea urchins that’s displayed beneath it was made by Filipino artist Impy Pilapil. The sculptural wooden bench between the two pieces is made from a native Southeast Asian hardwood called narra.

剛才的精彩部分也只算­上了客廳;來到相連飯廳,更多驚喜亮點待你發掘,如以Capiz貝殼製­作的亮麗吊燈。Melissa指:「風吹過時,Capiz貝殼便會發­出我最喜愛細聽的響聲。」夫婦在峇里The Legian看過邊櫃­的復刻版後,委託酒店為他們訂購一­個;雕塑櫃購自印尼爪哇一­趟假期;餐椅來自Kartel­l。桌子在香港特製而成——白色面材以Coria­n製作,獨特混合數種物料,有效防污、一生受用。非凡的木衣架購自台北,而烏木雕塑則由Mel­issa從一趟坦桑尼­亞野外之旅購回來。


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