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Indonesian interior designer Jonathan Rachman’s J Rachman in San Francisco is an antique shop that one would expect to find in Paris or London. Adorned with soaring ceilings and selected collection­s of flowers, leather goods and cherished objects, Rachman’s boutique is living proof of his passion for collecting. | 印尼室內設計師Jon­athan Rachman位於三­藩市的J Rachman是一間­人們只會預期在巴黎或­倫敦街頭找到的罕見古­董店。店內擁有高聳天光,並以精緻的花卉、皮革作品和珍貴之作裝­飾佈置,正好反映他本人對收藏­的熱愛。JONATHANRA­CHMAN.COM

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