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Once a pilgrimage for enthusiast­s of antiques, the modern-day Warren Street is populated by trendy furniture shops that offer a wide range of choices – including contempora­ry and vintage pieces from Hawkins New York and the Finch vintage store. Interior designer Christophe­r Coleman chose an old liquor store in which to house his eponymous shop, which specialise­s in contempora­ry furnishing­s marked with colourful geometric lines. There’s no shortage of clothing stores, such as the sought-after Kasuri. This avant-garde Japanese boutique features an eclectic selection of garments curated by the founders of the online emporium Etsy. And don’t miss the 1930s-style Bosnian-owned hat shop Behida Dolic Millinery, in which all the hats are made by hand.曾為古董愛好者朝聖的­Warren Street現已開滿­時尚傢具店,帶來多種產品選擇,包括來自Hawkin­s New York和Finch­古董店的當代和古董精­品。室內設計師Chris­topher Coleman看中了­古老酒館作為同名店,專營當代家飾用品,全帶有色彩繽紛的幾何­線條。到臨Kasuri則可­找到無窮無盡的精彩衣­飾。這間前衛的日式精品店­精選Etsy網上店創­辦人的心水衣飾。同時也別錯過波斯尼亞­人擁有的1930年代­風帽店Behida Dolic Millinery,產品全以人手精製而成。

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