Home Journal



Give life to white walls and bare floors with cheery artworks and rugs in rich tones.為白牆和沉悶的地板襯­上繽紛藝術品和色彩奪­目的地毯,注入滿滿生氣。Curate your appointmen­ts carefully and unify various patterns with a tonal colour palette.小心規劃傢具裝飾,以相類色彩把各有不同­的圖案印花連繫起來。Break the monotony and add a note of whimsy with bright colour blocks.混入鮮艷色格,打破素色沉默,添上玩味一筆。With the addition of metallic highlights, you can instantly glam up a dull corner.只要加些金色焦點,即能讓乏味角落立時活­過來。

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