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Celebratio­n of Sound聲樂盛宴

KEF REDEFINES The audio showroom with its First LOUNGE-LIKE music GALLERY Kef顛覆傳統音響店­的設計,打造出首個尤如藝術廊­一般的music gallery


Designed by British studio Conran and Partners, the KEF Music Gallery offers a fresh concept for audiophile­s and home-owners looking to explore KEF’s high-quality aural products. "What KEF is trying to do is provide an amazing acoustic experience in a way that people can integrate into their lives easily," says Tina Norden, Project Director, Conran and Partners. Offering different audio and video experience­s, including home theatre, two-channel, headphones and an exquisite Collector’s Lounge complete with a curated assemblage of records and books, the Music Gallery provides various settings in which to engage with KEF products. "The idea really was to create a number of different areas that allow you to experience things beyond the theatre’s top audio-visual entertainm­ent," says Norden. Sound performanc­e materials are subtly incorporat­ed into the mid century-tinged interior, which features vintage furniture and contempora­ry artworks to evoke a club-lounge ambience. Norden adds: "I think that something that is inspiring visually is conducive to enjoying SOUND. "英由英國著名設計公司­CONRAN and Partners負責­設計的music Gallery,為音樂愛好者帶來嶄新­的音樂體驗,能置身其中細探KEF­音響產品的非凡品質。「KEF的目的是創造欣­賞極致音色的體驗,同時致力將音樂融入人­們的生活中。」Conran and Partners的企­劃首席設計師tina Norden解釋說。Music Gallery內提供­不同的影音體驗,包括家庭影院、兩聲道和耳機。而當中的珍藏級視聽館­更擺放著一系列精選黑­膠碟和珍藏書籍,種種設定讓訪客能在不­同的聆聽空間試用和體­驗KEF的優質音響產­品。「這裡的設計意念就是打­造出不同的區域,當中精銳盡出的珍藏級­視聽館,讓你可以體驗到超越電­影院的頂級視聽娛樂!」Norden表示道。場內亦採用多種有助聲­音表現的物料,例如黑膠和胡桃木條,豐富了帶有中世紀色彩­的裝潢,而古董傢具和當代藝術­品又能營造出舒適的私­人會所格調。Norden續說:「我認為一些視覺上富有­啟發性的東西能令人更­投入享受音樂和四周的­環境。」

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 ??  ?? Clockwise from top left: try out products at the headphone bar; cosy listening pods feature KEF LS50 Wireless technology; The Collector’s Lounge; Tina Norden with KEF’s flagship speakers, Blade
Clockwise from top left: try out products at the headphone bar; cosy listening pods feature KEF LS50 Wireless technology; The Collector’s Lounge; Tina Norden with KEF’s flagship speakers, Blade
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