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To keep the open kitchen fuss-free, designer Peggy Bels added two metal sliding doors to hide the sink area, blending in with the rest of the wall.



Hidden on the fourth floor of a nondescrip­t building in the bustling heart of Sheung Wan, French interior designer Peggy Bels’ apartment seems to defy the laws of space and time upon first glance, as the blackened metal front door swings open and you struggle to reconcile the sweeping, serene space with the claustroph­obic reality of the streets below.

Peggy, standing behind the oblong concrete kitchen table that acts as the social fulcrum of the apartment, welcomes us in with a modicum of haste. Indeed, the transplant­ed Parisian is graceful in her momentum, her tall, slender frame dressed in a bright patterned top that contrasts with the muted greys and blacks of the apartment’s palette as she darts to and fro.

Moving to Hong Kong in 2008 after more than a decade spent practising interior design in Paris, Peggy founded her own studio the same year. However, it wasn’t until five years ago, when she

法國室內設計師Peg­gy Bels的居所隱身於­上環鬧市一幢平凡的建­築物4樓,當黑色金屬大門徐徐打­開後,映入眼簾的景象令你覺­得這兒完全違反了空間­和時間的既定規律:寬敞而寧靜的和諧空間,跟樓下那人煙稠密的街­景大相逕庭。


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