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Musical instrument­s, antiques, artefacts aquired around the world and, of course, the five rescued pets, make this once industrial space a warm and welcoming home.



For a couple, moving in together provides the opportunit­y to integrate possession­s and create a space that evokes a concert of styles and tastes – ones that are representa­tive of each individual yet create a sense of harmony. The romance of this convergenc­e is perhaps greater still when the newly cohabiting pair are merging their lives in an apartment conceived expressly for them, as was the case for the talented, animal-loving occupants of this 2,600-sq-ft loft located on the south side of Hong Kong Island.

The couple enlisted the help of another creative duo, Elaine Lu and Vincent Lim of multidisci­plinary studio Lim + Lu, to help mould the expansive location to fit their lifestyle. Prior to the renovation, the location had been left in a state of disrepair. "The design intention was to maintain some of the natural, raw characteri­stics and pair these with refined elements to give the once-forsaken space a second life," explain Elaine and Vincent.

The greatest challenge the designers faced in the renewal of this property was in crafting its layout. "It was originally open-plan with no divisions, no kitchen, no bathrooms, and with windows on only one side," recalls Vincent. "We had to strategica­lly plan the layout to allow for the filtration


二人請來跨界別工作室­Lim + Lu的Elaine Lu和Vincent Lim幫忙塑造出貼合­生活風格的框架。翻新前,空間一片頹垣敗瓦。Elaine和Vin­cent解釋:「設計主旨就是保持原有­的自然特色,並加入精緻元素為這個­被棄置的空間帶來新生­命。」


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