Home Journal



Optimise light: Some city dwellers cover their windows with shoeboxes and clothing racks, but keeping the window free from clutter and using materials that help reflect and bounce that light rather than absorb it will help make a compact space seem larger. Combine colours: Opt for muted or pastel colours as a base and choose a pop of bold colour or print to define a wall surface. Usually these colours go to the back of the room, furthest from the window, so as to catch the daylight and reflect it back, allowing the space to extend. Shades of white: I love the colour white. However, it’s important to take a few hours with a designer to pick the right white as there are many in the cool-to-warm range. Use a few whites to give a room depth, then use a pop of colour to play with this base white. Lightweigh­t look: Look to metals, like gold, copper and brass, and lightweigh­t furniture, such as rattan to help fill a space with objects that aren’t too heavy. I find too much upholstery, foam, fabric, and even wood, can weigh a space down. Open up: I love converting residences to open kitchens, and making these kitchens an extension of the dining room, living room, or both. With a small space, what we don’t need are more walls. 善用光線:保持窗旁位置暢通無阻。鞋盒和儲物箱等雜物難­免會遮蔽部分空間,清理雜物和採用透光物­料有助天然光線進入室­內營造廣闊感。顏色組合:選用和諧柔和色調為基­調,加添一絲果敢出眾的顏­色和圖案裝飾牆壁。這個顏色組合將可房窗­外的光線帶到回房間內­部,從而使空間得以延伸。純白色調:我喜愛白色,從不同冷暖色調中挑選­恰到好處的白色卻並不­簡單。深淺不同的白色能為房­間增加深度,跳脫顏色結合純白基調­令家居變得多姿多彩。輕盈感覺:選用金屬擺設和輕巧家­俱為家居打造輕盈氣氛。包括金、銅和黃銅以及藤料等多­種室內裝飾、泡沫塑料、布藝和木材都有清新的­佈置效果。開揚感觀:以開放式廚房作為飯廳­或客廳空間的延伸。在小巧的空間拆卸多餘­牆壁是最佳的改裝妙法。

 ??  ?? LEADING LIGHT James JJ Acuna encourages small-home dwellers to open up a space as much as possible and keep it light in terms of tones, textures and materials. 動感設計 James JJ Acuna認為增加空­間感及保持柔和的色調、質感和材質是打造小巧­家居的好方法。
LEADING LIGHT James JJ Acuna encourages small-home dwellers to open up a space as much as possible and keep it light in terms of tones, textures and materials. 動感設計 James JJ Acuna認為增加空­間感及保持柔和的色調、質感和材質是打造小巧­家居的好方法。

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