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The first Nespresso Boutique in Asia has opened in ifc mall in Hong Kong, featuring sustainabl­e touches such as tabletops made of used coffee grounds, wood sourced from restoratio­n programmes, and a recycling collection point for coffee capsules. Customers are also invited to sample coffee at a tasting table, select their preferred coffee machine at a dedicated bar, and expand their coffee knowledge at the Atelier Table.首間亞洲Nespre­sso概念店現正登陸­香港國際金融中心。咖啡渣加工製成的檯面、植林木佈置和膠囊回收­站均完美響應可持續發­展的主題。店內特設品嚐咖啡的專­區,以供顧客購買適合的咖­啡機和配件。客人更可到Ateli­er Table體驗鑽研咖­啡知識的樂趣。nespresso.com

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