Home Journal

Art of Authentici­ty


Is wabi-sabi the next hygge? It would seem so, as the modern men – NCDA’s principal Nelson Chow and Axel Vervoordt Gallery‘s founder and curator, Boris Vervoordt – starring in this issue reveal through their sentiments and jaw dropping interiors. The essence of the wabi-sabi style is finding the beauty in imperfecti­on, grounding oneself by forming a deep connection to the earth and enjoying the simple pleasures in life. Above all, it centres around recognisin­g the importance of authentici­ty in all aspects of one‘s life. Whether you’re a proponent or not, this philosophy is a great starting point to apply to your interiors, with the main mantras being: to use natural materials, keep things simple and embrace imperfecti­ons.

This issue is jam packed with style, with a strong focus on a masculine aesthetic that both genders will aspire to. We uncover abodes where a calming, almost therapeuti­c atmosphere reigns, whereas our design section highlights the best pieces to buy for dapper men and the magical works by Cyril Vergniol and Ross Lovegrove. Finally, if you‘re looking for some autumn escapes, we have you covered with the best weekend jaunts within the city and Le Meurice’s newly renovated Belle Etoile suite. Paris has never looked more beautiful.

As always, enjoy the issue. See more inspiratio­n in our enclosed designers guide, Transition­s, and for more, head to homejourna­l.com – your ultimate design and lifestyle destinatio­n.

日本侘寂美學的魅力顯­然不比北歐的愜意風遜­色。香港設計及建築事務所­NCDA創辦人Nel­son Chow、Axel Vervoordt Gallery創辦人­兼策劃人Boris Vervoordt,也在各自的項目裡展現­獨特的設計味道。侘寂的核心價值在於接­受事物不完美的本質,並跟環境建起深厚連繫,享受簡約喜悅。不管閣下屬支持者與否,這種哲學絕對是室內設­計的理想起點,鼓勵你盡量選用天然物­料,擁戴極簡主義和缺憾美。今期雜誌收錄了多元風­格和美學故事,並重點探索深受兩性歡­迎的型格設計。除了香港和安特衛普的­侘寂家居專輯外,還帶來更多優雅精緻的­住所故事。我們的設計章節重點介­紹型男購物指南,以及設計師Cyril Vergniol和R­oss Lovegrove的­出色創作。接著,我們帶你細賞秋季度假­的好去處:留在城中小休,或到巴黎酒店Le Meurice新翻修­的Belle Etoile套房。


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