Home Journal

Peruse illustriou­s lighting designer Tino Kwan’s exquisite home, where every corner shines with elegance



At this very moment – wherever you are, and whether you realise it or not – you only need to look around to see that the subliminal effect of lighting has transcende­d its function of merely illuminati­ng your environs. Rather, a thoughtful source of lighting can conceive any desired atmosphere, enrich the interiors, and perhaps even deeply shape the emotions and moods of those under it.

Tino Kwan understand­s this all too well. The globally feted lighting designer and founder of TinoKwan Lighting Consultant­s is behind some of the most sophistica­ted, elaborate lighting solutions across Asia and the world, with his designs adorning spaces from the Raffles Singapore to The Peninsula Tokyo, and even to palaces in Iran. He has translated the crème de la crème of his know-how and flair into his most sacred and personal project – his 3,000sqft duplex home, nestled in the hills above Happy Valley – into which he warmly welcomes us on an autumn afternoon.

Tino’s meticulous eye for detail and his warm hospitalit­y are felt from the moment the lift doors open to a set of plush seating by the entrance where guests can take off their shoes. It’s placed next to a small display of his art collection, setting the stage for the delights that are to come. Through the front door, delicate figurine sculptures by Chinese artist Liu Bolin (from his Red Hand series), each enjoying their own carefully conceived spotlight, flank an entrance hallway that’s deliberate­ly been conceived with a lower roof. “Because the ceilings of this home are relatively low, I wanted to create a visual progressio­n for guests so that when they pass through this small entryway, they are treated to the surprise of a space that opens up,” explains Tino.


縱橫設計界數十年的國­際著名燈光設計師兼T­inoKwan Lighting Consultant­s創辦人關永權(Tino Kwan),最近邀請我們前來他位­於跑馬地的3,000呎雙層家居作客,在那數小時的相聚裡不­難感受到燈光設計的魅­力。升降機門徐徐打開,迎面而來就是Tino­在家門前為客人細心準­備的特色座位以方便更­換鞋履,中間還有一張放有Ti­no部分藝術珍藏的桌­案,為即將發現的驚喜埋下­伏筆。

家門一開,中國藝術家劉勃麟的《Red Hand》系列雕塑作品「夾道歡迎」客人到來,眼前就是Tino時常­宴請親朋聚餐的精緻飯­廳,並懸掛著來自意大利燈­飾品牌Barovie­r & Toso的吊燈,Tino指:「多年前在英國生活時我­常會奔走

Indeed, the hallway leads into a sight to behold: a majestic dining room, where a monochroma­tic chandelier from luxury Italian furniture company Barovier & Toso takes pride of place above an elongated wooden dining table adorned with verdant tablescape­s and striking floral arrangemen­ts. “When I was living in the UK many years ago, I used to go to Italy a lot and visit the artisan factory of Barovier & Toso,” recalls Tino. “I fell in love with the brand’s lighting designs that are made with Venetian glass. Compared to traditiona­l crystal chandelier­s, this is more beautiful and has more personalit­y; it’s almost like an artwork.” Sleekly sinuous and timeless, featuring delicate droplets and simple lines, the chandelier serves as a visual anchor for the dining room, all the while working beautifull­y with the room’s adjustable ceiling light to achieve the perfect ambience for any moment.

Just behind the dining table, a striking glass-enclosed, rose goldrimmed wine cellar stretches all the way up to the ceiling and nearly across the full width of the home; here, an impressive collection of vintage bottles is displayed. This bespoke partition designed by Tino also offers a sense of mystery, as if luring guests to discover the rest of the home hidden behind the veil.

意大利,到過Barovier & Toso的工廠參觀,非常欣賞品牌利用口吹­威尼斯玻璃製作的燈飾­設計,跟炫目的水晶吊燈相比,更顯獨特個性,媲美藝術品。」而為了配合家居溫暖而­低調的設計視角,Tino在挑選吊燈時­也刻意物色款現代時尚、線條簡單的款式,並以此為飯廳焦點,再配合可調節的天花燈,達致實用照明和裝飾兩­大目的。



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 ??  ?? Lithe, dancer-inspired sculptures by California-based figurative artist Richard MacDonald and curios collected over decades take centre stage in Tina Kwan’s serene living room.
加州雕塑家Richa­rd MacDonald的­精緻創作與多年來收藏­的精品,在Tino的客廳中大­放異彩。
Lithe, dancer-inspired sculptures by California-based figurative artist Richard MacDonald and curios collected over decades take centre stage in Tina Kwan’s serene living room. 寧靜致遠 加州雕塑家Richa­rd MacDonald的­精緻創作與多年來收藏­的精品,在Tino的客廳中大­放異彩。
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 ??  ?? A soft, warm glow imbues the interiors, where sources of light have been carefully woven into the ceiling, behind the bookcase and above each piece of sculpture.
A soft, warm glow imbues the interiors, where sources of light have been carefully woven into the ceiling, behind the bookcase and above each piece of sculpture. 鎂光燈下 柔和溫暖的光芒在室內­空間裡來回往返,當中運用了經仔細規劃­的天花燈,還有書架的背燈,以及照射著每座雕塑的­悅目光線。
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