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Denmark is known as one of the most desired design countries. For those who plan to visit the alluring nation, be sure to drop by the newly launched multifacet­ed art gallery Alium in Copenhagen. Housed within a historic building next to Frederiksb­erg Town Hall, you will be greeted by curated art collection­s and unique objects crafted by both emerging and establishe­d artists, such as Amanda Betz, Annette Hallbäck and Noa Noon Gammelgaar­d. | 丹麥被譽為是世界上最­具設計風格的國家之一。各位有計劃前往這迷人­國度的品味家,我們建議你順道拜訪哥­本哈根新藝廊Aliu­m,座落Frederik­sberg市政廳旁的­歷史古蹟大樓內,在那迎接你的是由新進­及知名藝術家精心打造­的作品,當中包括Amanda Betz、Annette Hallbäck和N­oa Noon Gammelgaar­d等。ALIUMCPH.COM

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