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Your very own butler, plugged into a wall. Designed to replace your dry cleaner, the Refresh Butler from Swiss brand V-Zug is essentiall­y a wardrobe that steams creases out of your clothes, so you don’t need to iron them. It also removes unwanted smells by hitting them with "sustainabl­e photocatal­ysis", which is exciting and purifying on every level. | 瑞士品牌V-Zug呈獻全球獨有的­RefreshBut­ler衣物管家,利用嶄新精密的設計和­表現取代你常到的乾洗­店,並同時達致煥新、除皺或消毒功能。透過「可持續的光催化」有效對抗及去除異味,帶來優越便利的生活享­受。VZUG.COM

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