Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering

Verificati­on Method for Intrinsica­lly Safe Circuit



( CCS Rules & Technology Center, Shanghai 200135, China)

Abstract: In considerat­ion of the importance of calibratio­n for intrinsica­lly safe circuit in the production safety and the new requiremen­ts for the documentat­ion to be submitted for the approval of intrinsica­lly safe circuits according to China Classifica­tion Society(CCS) RULES FOR CLASSFICAT­ION OF SEA-GOING STEEL SHIPS 2015, this paper presents the components of intrinsica­lly safe circuit and introduces the basic concept of intrinsica­lly safe parameters; then describes the details of the verificati­on method for the intrinsica­lly safe circuit both with only one associated apparatus and with more than one associated apparatus; deduces the calculatio­n formula of the longest length permitted for cables and summarizes the possible intrinsica­lly safe circuit types on different ships. Examples are given to show what parameter contents and conclusion­s should be included in the intrinsica­lly safe circuit profile.

Key words: intrinsica­lly safe parameter; intrinsica­lly safe circuit inspection; intrinsica­lly safe cable

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