Shanghai Daily

Temperatur­es to rise along with ozone pollution

- Li Qian and Ma Yue

HOT weather and ozone pollution are making a comeback this week, weather authoritie­s say.

Yesterday’s high temperatur­e hit 30.2 degrees Celsius, and the mercury will climb to 33 degrees today and tomorrow. Sunny skies are predicted for both days. It will be cloudy to overcast for the rest of the week, but the high will hover around 30 degrees, according to the Shanghai Meteorolog­ical Bureau.

Shanghai saw slight to moderate air pollution yesterday, with ozone being the major pollutant. At 2pm, the city’s average air quality index (AQI) reading was 128, or slightly polluted, according to Shanghai Environmen­tal Monitoring Center.

Light pollution

The index will read between 120 and 140 this afternoon, indicating light air pollution. It will reach between 135 and 155 tomorrow, entering the moderate pollution range which starts at 150.

Slight pollution can still be expected on Thursday, the center said.

Ozone pollution is created near the Earth’s surface by daylight ultra violet rays, and is more prevalent in summer.

The release of volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxide from manufactur­ing can also create ozone pollution.

According to a report issued by the Shanghai Environmen­tal Protection Bureau last week, Shanghai’s ozone pollution rose last year due to the heat. Among the 90 most polluted days in 2017, ozone was the major pollutant in 52 days.

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