Shanghai Daily

SVT program slammed for insulting China

- (Xinhua)

THE Chinese Embassy in Stockholm strongly criticized the Swedish Television SVT for insulting China in its news program.

On Friday evening, “the SVT broadcast a Swedish news program which outrageous­ly insulted China. The program leader Jesper Ronndahl made comments that amount to a gross insult to and a vicious attack on China and the Chinese people. We strongly condemn it, and have lodged a strong protest to SVT,” the Chinese embassy said through its spokesman on Saturday.

The SVT program and Ronndahl spread and advocated racism and xenophobia outright, and openly provoked and instigated racial hatred and confrontat­ion targeting China and some other ethnic groups, the embassy said.

“The program also referred to a wrong map of China where China’s Taiwan Province and some parts of the Tibet region were missing, which severely infringes on China’s sovereignt­y and territoria­l integrity,” the embassy added.

“The program breaks the basic moral principles of mankind, gravely challenges human conscience, and is a serious violation of media profession­al ethics,” the embassy said. “To think that such things could happen in Sweden, an advocate of ethnic equality!”

“Relevant program staff from SVT argued that this is an entertainm­ent program, an argument which is totally unacceptab­le and we firmly reject it. We urge SVT and the program to immediatel­y give an apology. We reserve the rights to take further actions,” the embassy added.

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