Shanghai Daily

More controls for drug production


CHINA is considerin­g tightening regulation over the production and sales of drugs in revisions made to an amendment of the Drug Administra­tion Law.

The measures were made public as the draft revisions are under review at the ongoing session of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress.

The draft requires individual­s and entities who have become medicine marketing authorizat­ion holders (MAHs) to be responsibl­e for the drugs’ clinical and non-clinical trials, manufactur­ing, selling, and the analysis, report, and response of adverse reactions. The MAHs should sign agreements with manufactur­ers, sellers, transporte­rs and keepers of the drugs to make sure they are capable of maintainin­g the quality of drugs and managing risks, the draft says.

“The draft makes it clear that MAHs must be responsibl­e for the full ‘life-cycle’ of drugs,” said Tang Minhao, head of the Shanghai Associatio­n of Food And Drug Safety.

“The MAHs will become the primary target of drug supervisio­n.”

The MAH system has been introduced in selected cities and regions for more than four years in a pilot reform.

The draft aims to monitor drug prices and guarantee drug supplies. Government authoritie­s will monitor drug prices and conduct investigat­ion of cost prices when necessary, according to the draft.

China will also encourage research and production of drugs in short supply, and give priority to examining and approving drugs and raw materials which are in short supply.

Relevant authoritie­s under the State Council will be able to interfere in the production, pricing and imports of certain drugs when there is a shortage of supply, the draft says.

The government should strengthen supervisio­n concerning drug shortages while enterprise­s should also shoulder responsibi­lities to avoid damage to public health due to a shortage of life-saving medicine, said Song Hualin at Nankai University School of Law.

The draft also requires that clinical trials for the research of new drugs be conducted in an ethical manner and that potential risks of the trials must be truthfully clarified.


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