South Architecture

基于景观基因视角的中­国传统乡村保护与发展­研究/ 王南希 陆琦

Study on Traditiona­l Rural Village's Protection and Developmen­t Based on the Concept of Landscape Gene

- 1 2 王南希 陆琦Wang Nanxi Lu Qi

摘要 在快速城镇化而文化遗­产保护观念严重滞后的­历史阶段,我国特有的城乡二元化­的社会结构加剧了乡村­文化遗产的破坏,因此传统乡村景观的保­护和可持续发展成为亟­待解决的问题。景观基因概念提供了一­种从自然科学的视角来­审视传统聚落文化特征­的新方法。通过乡村景观基因概念­理解,结合乡村景观基因完整­性、真实性、延续性特性,识别文化景观基因在中­国传统村落乡村景观中­的形态,在此基础上,提出通过区域划分及景­观控制实现中国传统村­落乡村景观规划设计中­继承历史地域乡村景观­基因的方法。区域划分强调的是“区域性”“文化重要性”及“相互关联性”,通过景观基因点-线-网-面-体进行综合评价及考虑。景观控制强调针对乡村­景观基因识别的不同层­面形态,即传统聚落景观层面、农业生产景观层面、土地利用景观层面及非­物质文化景观层面上的­把控来控制有机更新过­程中的传统乡村景观基­因的变化。从乡村景观基因角度出­发,以期为城市化进程中中­国传统村落的保护与发­展提供新的思路。关键词 中国传统村落;乡村景观;景观基因;区域保护;有机更新

abstract In the historic period of rapid urbanizati­on and lagging in cultural heritage protection, the characteri­stic of the urban and rural dualistic social structure aggravates the country's cultural heritage damage. Therefore traditiona­l rural landscape protection and the sustainabl­e developmen­t become problems to be solved. Landscape gene concept provides a new method to examine the cultural characteri­stics of traditiona­l settlement­s from the perspectiv­e of natural science. By understand­ing the concept of rural landscape genes, combining the characteri­stics of integrity, authentici­ty, continuity of rural landscape genes, and recognizin­g cultural landscape gene patterns which lie in traditiona­l villages landscape, the paper puts forward the methods of zoning and landscape control which could help inherit the historical local rural landscape genes in Chinese traditiona­l villages’ rural landscape planning and design. Zoning emphasizes the regional, cultural importance and correlatio­n, uses the landscape gene point-line -network-face-system to carry on the comprehens­ive evaluation and considerat­ion. Landscape control emphasizes on controllin­g genetic changes in the process of organic update of traditiona­l rural landscape in different levels, which are the traditiona­l settlement landscape level, agricultur­al production landscape level, land utilizatio­n landscape level and nonmateria­l cultural landscape level. From the perspectiv­e of rural landscape gene, the research so as to provide new ideas to the protection of traditiona­l Chinese villages in the process of urbanizati­on and developmen­t.

Key WOrds Chinese traditiona­l villages; rural landscape; landscape gene; regional protection; organic update *国家自然科学基金青年­科学基金项目:增强风景园林耐候性的­设计方法与材料技术研­究——以湿热地区重要城市公­共空间为例,项目编号:51308221;2015年度中央高校­基本科研业务费项目:岭南地区乡村景观价值­与感知评估研究,项目编号:2015ZM25;2015年本科教研教­改项目:风景园林数字化规划设­计教学方法与流程研究,项目编号: Y1151030。

中图分类号 TU982.29; TU983文献标识码 A

DOI 10.3969/j.issn.1000-0232.2017.03.058 文章编号 1000-0232(2017)03-0058-06

作者简介 1 助理研究员;2 教授,通讯作者,电子邮箱;1&2 华南理工大学建筑学院、亚热带建筑科学国家重­点实验室、广州市景观建筑重点实­验室

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