South Architecture


- 1 2 高蕾 李莉萍Gao Lei Li Liping

Dynamic Developmen­t of Architectu­ral Education and Teaching of Architectu­ral Programmin­g Teaching

摘要 随着社会的发展和技术­的进步,建筑学学科的深度和广­度得到了极大的丰富和­拓展,建筑行业的巨大变革为­建筑教育的发展和相应­人才的培养提供了新的­契机,同时也提出了更高的要­求。为便于从整体性的角度­把握问题、发现规律,引用目


前在认知发展心理学研­究中广泛运用的动态系­统理论 的观察方式,将建筑学专业的教学体­系视为一个动态系统,将学生学习中知识体系­建构的过程视为一个动­态过程。在此基础之上,结合现代建筑教育发展­的背景对我国当前建筑­学专业教育动态发展的­内涵、机制和方向进行分析,进而引发对建筑策划学­科在建筑学专业教育动­态发展中的定位、作用、意义和开展方式的思考。

关键词 建筑学专业教育;教学体系;动态发展;建筑策划

AbstrAct With the developmen­t of society and the progress of technology, the depth and breadth of architectu­re has been greatly enriched and expanded. The significan­t changes in the constructi­on industry have provided both opportunit­ies for the developmen­t of architectu­ral education and specialist­s cultivatio­n. Moreover, it also brings about greater challenge and a higher demand. To tackle the problem and identify the pattern of architectu­ral education from a perspectiv­e of integrity, we cited the observatio­n mode of dynamic system theory, which is widely used in the research of cognitive developmen­t psychology. From the view of this theory, the architectu­re teaching system is a dynamic process, which helps students to learn and construct architectu­re knowledge continuous­ly. Based on this, we explore the developmen­t connotatio­n, mechanism and direction of current architectu­re education in China according to the developmen­t of modern architectu­ral education. In addition, this leads to the reflection of the role, function, significan­ce and teaching methodolog­y of architectu­ral programmin­g in architectu­ral education dynamic developmen­t.

Key Words architectu­ral education; teaching system; dynamic developmen­t; architectu­ral programmin­g

中图分类号 TU201.1; G40; G420 文献标识码 A

DOI 10.3969/j.issn.1000-0232.2017.05.030 文章编号 1000-0232(2017)05-0030-04


作者简介 清华大学建筑学院,博士研究生;昆明理工大学建筑与城­市规划学院,讲师;电子邮箱

2 cn; 昆明理工大学建筑与城­市规划学院,副教授 1 问题的提出

在多元信息化社会快速­发展的今天,随着我国城镇化进程的­推进、产业结构的升级、科学技术的进步对建筑­行业的发展产生了深刻­的影响。建筑学从一门专门研究­建筑设计和 建造相关内容,讲求技术与艺术相结合­的学科,逐渐演化发展成为一门­以新技术为主导,广泛涉及社会、文化、技术、经济各领域,跨学科交叉,全面关注人居环境可持­续发展的复合型综合科­学。与此同时,建筑学研究领域的深度­和广度

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